Over $37,000 Raised For Care Net From Edgewood Car Show, PTL!


PRAISE GOD for this report from Pastor and Founder of the Edgewood Father’s Day Car Show, Tony Jaramillo Jr.:Ok!!! Ready for this??? Total money raised for Care Net Pregnancy Center was around 37,686.00 with the Harley motorcycle raffle ticket sales  and with car show and auctions.  Praise God!!! Thanks to everyone who was involved with this great community event!!! Wow!!! God is Great!!!

Remember the bike was the biggest draw. Give a special thanks to Mike Suttle with Suttle Financial Group for donating the Harley

What an event for God! FGGAM is so thankful also for the blessing from Pastor Tony that we were able to help sponsor this Godly event.

Here is living proof that when the body of Christ comes together we can have a huge impact for God’s glory alone!

Think of the lives that will be saved through this event and Care Net! WOW!

We thank the Lord for all the volunteers, for those that entered the car show, all the sponsors, for those that attended and gave donations.


Picture is from Pastor Tony of an ariel view of the Father’s Day Car Show

Edgewood car show picture












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