7 Year Old Albuquerque Boy Gives Up Birthday To Raise $4 Thousand For Veterans



ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. —WOW! What a message for us all!!! Amen! EstavanA selfless Albuquerque boy raised more than $4,000 for wounded veterans over the weekend for his birthday.

7-year-old Estevan Medina wanted to give a gift for his birthday instead of receiving gifts. So, he made flyers and invited the public to his fundraiser at American Legion post 13 on Sunday.

The 7 yr old said, “Our veterans, they’ve done so much .. for us. It’s time for us to do something for them,” .

His father, Ezekiel Medina, said, “It’s a shock honestly, and also just humbled by the whole thing to know that a 6-year-old, turning 7, can actually come up with this idea for a function like this.”

Estevan plans to enlist in the Army when he grows up.

I think this 7 year old delivered a strong message to us all!

Jesus came to serve not to be served.

Just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many. Matt. 20:28

Fit’s our veterans and the example of 7 year old Estevan, Amen!

Photo courtesy of KOAT TV in Albuquerque

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