New Mexico Sheriff Closes His Office on Fridays!


I have been meaning to write about this since I saw this in the Albuquerque Journal on April 3rd, but I have been so very busy, I apologize! Can you even imagine? Where are our priorities? The Roosevelt County New Mexico Sheriff is forced to close his office on Fridays for the next two months! The report in the Journal states that the Sheriff took that action because is facing a budget crunch. Sheriff Malin Parker told the Portales, NM News-Tribune that Deputies will still be on patrol on Fridays. The Sheriff said that the Administrative office just won’t be open for business. The move comes after Parker said his office is reaching the maximum it can spend on utility costs for the current fiscal year. This is messed up! Are we going to support Law Enforcement or not? This sends the wrong message. Where is common sense. This sounds like Mayberry! I am here to tell you that the Sheriff’s in rural New Mexico have so many challenges, increased violence and they have far to few deputies. Can the Governor and Legislature give Sheriff Parker some of that wasted Spaceport funding????? Stop pouring money down that rat hole! Since Governor Martinez and Majority Leader Sanchez can’t even agree on the color of the sky, maybe they can at least agree to help the Sheriff out and hold a car wash in Portales for him, his Deputies and the citizens of Roosevelt County! How about that, Martinez and Sanchez washing cars together! LOL! That’s my challenge! Can you even imagine that????

Other news we are covering for you in New Mexico, just click on the headlines:

One in Eleven New Mexico High School Students Are Abusing Prescription Drugs

Tennessee Passes Pro-Life Bills, Why Can’t New Mexico? I Guess We Know That Answer!

News and Views-Dewey

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