From the beginning, the Scriptures state that satan has challenged God and His purposes for marriage.


Dear Family of our Lord Jesus Christ,

We Love you all very much!

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Love’s as hard as nails,

Love is nails:

Blunt, thick, hammered through

The medial nerves of One

Who, having made us, knew

The thing He had done,

Seeing (what all that is)

Our cross, and His.
From “Love’s as Warm as Tears”

See Poems, by C.S. Lewis, at page 126

Charles Spurgeon here makes a statement that is so true. The church that is based and lives like the one we see in Gospels and the Book of Acts is the kind of church God wants. Leave the clubs of faith and attend a church like church in Acts. A church alive is worth the extra drive. If you agree click LIKE and SHARE with your friends.

On our web site at there were so many new inspiring posts made yesterday by Missionary S.E. Coleman, Evangelist/Author Karen Rowe and others. We also posted the news from a Biblical lens. As I write this to you, I feel the presence of the Lord with me, guiding me to type what He wants me to say. We do a program called, “This is the World we live in” and those words above by Charles Spurgeon say a lot about the world we live in. As the Church goes, the World goes. Where we are at in this present time is in the United States of America, is a Bible believing Christian is in the minority. I am not trying to be negative here , I am bringing the facts forward. Pastor Paul Holt has labeled himself and me as the Lewis and Clark of Christian media. We are plowing new ground in the media for our Lord. Knowing that we are a minority. When you read and listen to all the “nothing noise” out there about marriage, it is hard for many not to just give up on the Word of God, and that is what is happening in the body of Christ. Pastor Tom Bozone said yesterday,”Many, many, people who call themselves Christians do not have a personal relationship with our Lord.” I scanned facebook yesterday, which is a good way to see what our society is up to, many praying to God for same sex marriage in America. Can you wrap your brain around someone praying to God for what He does not stand for? We must realize that people are not only praying for same sex marriage in America but the death of the Christian church in America. I will never forget what Pastor Leonard Navarre told me a couple years ago about his friend sitting next to a man on an airplane who was praying for the death of a thousand Pastors! This is called Spiritual Warfare my friends. And yes, you and I are a minority in the Unites States of America. What is missing at the United States Supreme Court is God. Who is going to stand in the gap here on earth for God on the Sanctity of marriage and other Godly concerns?
God invented marriage. Spiritual warfare in America during Holy Week.

Marriage was designed by God.

Let us remember this: From the beginning, the Scriptures state that satan has challenged God and His purposes for marriage.

We are in Spiritual warfare.

Marriage is at the center of God’s purpose for mankind.

The number one purpose of marriage is to mirror God’s image.

So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female; he created them. Genesis 1:27

Being a man of God I believe that with all my heart and soul, I learned that when I was in Sunday school. You cannot argue that with God, if you do, you simply do not believe in God.

That is what this same sex marriage debate comes down to, Do you believe in the Word of God or not?

God joined a man and a women together so that together they would mirror His image.

He called this union marriage.

Their oneness reflects the character and unity of God. Matt 19: 4-6 and John 17: 22-23

Their oneness is a living picture of this intimate relationship between Jesus Christ and His followers. Ephesians 5: 22-33.

Their oneness is expressed within a lifetime commitment to one another.

Companionship in marriage is God’s provision to replace isolation and meet our deep longing for a close, intimate relationship.

God designed marriage as the first social institution.

God designed marriage to be the first system of interdependent relationships.

God designed the marriage relationship as the priority relationship of the family.

Marriage between man and women is sacred.

Marriage provides the divine context for having children.

Oneness in marriage is necessary in order to multiply a Godly legacy.

Let us remember this: From the beginning the Scriptures state that satan has challenged God and His purposes for marriage.

satan’s opposition is focused on independence from God. Isaiah 14: 12-14 Ezekiel 28:12-18

These are the Biblical facts that I put before you, as we stand in the gap for God on the sanctity of marriage and other Godly issues like the sanctity of life.

Do not be surprised what an unbelieving world says and does. When we grow so ever close to our Lord Jesus Christ, we become less surprised what an unbelieving world does, look at what the World did to Jesus.

As for me and my house, as Pastor Leonard has encouraged me for years….do not give up, do not give in, don’t compromise.

As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord. Joshua 24:15


Here is a Holy Week note from Rick…………

I learn more and more everyday and today’s CUP is so very very educational…

The word is spreading my blessed Brother !!!

My stepdaughter and her husband have led a very stormy life together over the last ten years or so and her and her two wonderful children live here at home with us due to that… He and I have been ‘mortal’ enemies for quite a number of years due to this and other reasons…

Through conversation with them, they, as a family are now attending parenting and counseling classes together as a family…

Although there has been no direct communications between me and him, through further indirect conversation, I extended an invitation to him, along with her and her two children to attend Church with us this following Sunday and provided my stepdaughter can get off work they have ALL accepted !!!

I’m praying for a new beginning !!!


Rick we thank you for your note. I thank the Lord for your freshness, your boldness. You exhibit and say things that I pray more Christians would exhibit and say. Your testimony encourages me and Sharon, Paul and Jo and the Board here at FGGAM. The Lord told me as He put us to work here at FGGAM to bring His light to the world, one person at a time. Now, look what is happening in your life since you came back to Jesus Christ,your families life and all those you touch during your days… are a light to the world for Jesus Christ! AMEN! PTL! Hallelujah !!

March 27, 2013. The devil is a barbarian, a fear merchant, seeking someone to destroy. If he can entice you to fear him, then he has access to your heart for purposes of lying and stealing. Those who operate according to a barbarian mindset will do anything to cause you to fear them. Once you defeat fear, you have taken a bold step into a freedom you may have never known. Turn your face toward the Lord who made you and knows all about you. Fighting off the devil and resisting the devil is God’s sphere of power.

Psalm 27:1 (NASB) “The LORD is my light and my salvation; Whom shall I fear? The LORD is the defense of my life; whom shall I dread? Ras Robinson

Subscribe to “What the Lord Is Saying Today”

March 27, 2013. Resist temptation, die to the flesh and walk in the Spirit. Keep your head up, looking to the mountains. This is where your help comes from. Trust in Me and I will give you strength far beyond the natural and do for you what you cannot do for yourself. It is then you will experience a river of blessings. Blessings will pour down from the mountains overtaking you, giving you peace in your soul and a song of joy in your heart.

Psalms 125:2 (AMP) “As the mountains are round about Jerusalem, so the Lord is round about His people from this time forth and forever.” Bev Robinson

For God’s Glory Alone in the Love of our Lord Jesus Christ, Dewey Sharon and Family

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Thank you,

Dewey Moede
If you have friends or family you think would like to share a daily cup of inspirational coffee with Dewey please forward this email and encourage them to join Dewey’s Daily Cup. All they have to do is send an email saying “Sign me up!” to radiodewey.


  1. I feel strongly that you have not seriously studied the Bible as regards this issue. In Genesis 1, where Elohim makes Man in Elohim’s image and likeness, it is true that Man includes both male and female, equally. But Elohim’s image and likeness is spiritual, not material – Man is not made of dust, nor is female made of male. No mention is made of marriage, husband, or wife. “Be fruitful and multiply” and “Have dominion” apply to Man as an image of the omnipotent divinity, not to anyone else.

    In Genesis 2, where Jehovah makes Adam of dust and Eve of Adam’s rib as Adam’s mere helpmeet and not an equal, Adam and Eve disobey Jehovah and are condemned to leave the garden. And for the first time, marriage is indicated, as Jehovah says to Eve: “Your desire shall be toward your husband, and he shall rule over you.” This is the first mention of husband, wife, or marriage in the Bible. Marriage is clearly a function of the Fall from God’s grace.

    One can, in Christianity, try to gloss over this, but if marriage were necessary and sufficient to reflect Elohim, then Jesus could not do so, but a husband and wife who sexually cheat on each other, and a husband who beats a wife who constantly hurts her husband in other ways would be a perfect reflection of Elohim. The absurdity of this is self-apparent.

    The truth is that Christians are suppose to follow the example of Christ, not marriage, even though that highest example never marries. This is more difficult for married people than single people, because it’s hard to “Go where it seems good to you” if your spouse disagrees.

    Christians who choose marriage, which imposes particular limits in this way, should elevate marriage beyond its clearly vulgar origins by aspiring toward that Christ example equally and divest themselves of gender inequality. The idea that they should tout themselves and marriage as superior to the individual spiritual life Elohim gave them is way too egotistical for that.

    • Thank you for your comments. I recognize your strong feelings, but in my opinion your conclusions lack biblical support and are therefore erroneous. Elohim is spirit, of that there is no dispute. It is from the spiritual that the physical universe originates. Contrary to the teachings of Gnostics, Adam was both spiritual and material. The name Adam is derived from the Hebrew word אדם (adam) meaning “to be red”, there is a word play on the Hebrew root word אֲדָמָה (‘adamah) translated, earth. Eve’s name comes from the Hebrew חַוָּה (Chawwah) which means to breath and is related to the Hebrew word חיה (chayah) “to live”. These word choices speak to the physical and life giving aspects of the creation of man.

      The point is that Ha Shem first created man in His image from the dust of the ground and then divided that man into male and female. Genesis chapter 1 reinforces the male and female creation and the first biblical command of the Lord, along with the first blessing of God to be fruitful and multiply. The command and blessing defines the basic role of male and female and purpose of physical intimacy. When Jehovah formed woman from the rib of a man, she was hardly a “mere” helpmate. The Hebrew word translated to English as helpmate is the word אזר (‘ezer) Evidence indicates that the word ‘ezer originally had two roots, each beginning with different guttural sounds. One meant “power” and the other “strength.

      Therefore, could we conclude that Genesis 2:18 be translated as “I will make a power [or strength] corresponding to man.” God makes for the man a woman fully his equal and fully his match. In this way, the man’s loneliness will be assuaged. The same line of reasoning occurs with the apostle Paul, who urged in 1 Corinthians 11:10, “For this reason, a woman must have power [or authority] on her head [that is to say, invested in her].” What God had intended, then, was to make a “power” or “strength” for the man who would in every way “correspond to him” or even “be his equal.”

      Our Lord Jesus reinforced the concept of a husband and wife in His discourse on divorce as He quoted Genesis 1. He stated that Moses gave the writ of divorce due to the hardness of the heart. It was never God’s intent that one flesh be divided. Jesus further illustrates Elohim’s intent with the imagery of the bridegroom and the bride. His bride Israel is what He died for.

      The Apostle Paul did allow for men and women to remain unmarried if possible. However, he correctly observed that if one’s natural urges are unmanageable, that person should marry and not sin. This referrers to celibacy with the only acceptable alternative being traditional marriage. I would agree that marriage should aspire to a greater degree of Christ centered spirituality, but recognizing that God created man and woman for a purpose is not gender inequality, rather it is a recognition of purpose of the genders.

      I can assure you that there is no superiority among traditional husband and wife couples or even among Christians on this issue. We only understand how the Lord intended marriage and that we must live up to the ideal of being good to one another, putting first the needs of the other instead of ourselves.

      Pastor Paul Holt

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