Trust: Do people trust you?


Dear Family of our Lord Jesus Christ,

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This was taken from our home in Albuquerque! Let your light shine for our Lord Jesus Christ!
Let me share with you what the Lord has put on my heart this day,
Trust has been on my heart for several days, people are starving to trust. It is a precious thing when people trust you and you can trust them.  Some say, the only person you can trust is Jesus Christ. I understand but we must trust each other in our Lord. We are living in times where people don’t trust their own family member or members because of broken promises, beatings, drugs, affairs, etc. Trust is a precious thing.
It is a beautiful thing when people trust their Pastor. They have a tough job. Pastor’s are unsung hero’s.  I have so many people that I counsel that don’t have a Pastor. They have been hurt, burned out, etc, they don’t have a church.
I try to get them back into a church. Trust is a major factor.
I look around this world and see that people not trusting each other is a major problem in our society and in the church!
You have got to have a personal relationship with our Lord to have trust. The breakdown in our society starts right there! Please pay attention here! The breakdown in our society, churches, families, etc is because of the lack of a personal relationship with our Lord Jesus Christ. You can say all you want, but if you do not have a personal relationship with with Him, your going to have a tough go. And then there are those folks who think they have a personal relationship with our Lord, but they do not. They prove it by their actions.
If you don’t truly fear God and are more focused on your reputation, you will grow distant from Him. For this we are told:
The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. Psalm 111:10
And again:
Friendship with the Lord is reserved for those who fear Him.
With them he shares the secrets for his covenant. 25:14
The Lord will not reveal Himself or His true wisdom to those whom lack holy fear. He must take preeminence in a person’s life. Not just in word or form, but in a deep rooted heart decision: “My life is not my own; it belongs to my Lord Jesus Christ.”
The person who fears God has nothing to hide. In fact, he or she is scared to be away from God. AMEN!!!!
For God’s Glory Alone in the Love of our Lord Jesus Christ, Dewey Sharon and family
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Thank you,
Dewey Moede

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