Worship Him


DawnJohn 4:23,24 But the hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for the Father is seeking such to worship Him. God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and in truth.

We just got back from a quick trip to northern California. We drove out and back; there in one vehicle and back in two separate vehicles.

On the trip home, I was talking with the Lord on the difference between praise and worship. He explained that praise is for something done. For example, when your child does something well, you tell them what a good job they have done.

We praise Him for what He has done and worship Him for who He is.

When I got home, I looked up the word “worship” in several sources. Worship is to give great honor and respect to; consider extremely precious; adore; hold very dear; bow down; obey; focus positive attention on; and any action or attitude that expresses love and appreciation for God.

He is the Lord Most High, Creator of the Universe and all things good! He is above all else and the Lord of Lords and the Kings of Kings!

When you worship Him, your focus is on Him and it draws you near to Him.  All else seems to fall away except Him.

On my drive, my heart and mouth were filled with praise for the beauty He created. Everywhere I looked, there was something that took my breath away: a butte of layered colors of lavender, cream and sepia; a spray of bright colored flowers; sand and sepia dirt with black and sage green here and there; cacti and trees in many variations!

As I praised Him, saying, “Well done, Father!”, I thought of Him, and how creative He is, and how exquisite His beauty! He is amazing and strong; thoughtful and kind; funny and mighty; gentle and just; love and present. He is the best Daddy in the whole world and I wish He was everyone’s Dad!

Our holy Father is breathtaking….don’t look away! When you are worshiping Him and gazing on Him….your Husband and Lover……don’t look away! When you sense His presence…..draw closer into the holiest place…..the place of intimacy…..the place you are one.

Today, I want to encourage you to enter into the holiest place through worship of our great and awesome Father. Allow Him complete access to you. Drown in His all encompassing love. He longs for your companionship….draw near.

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