I am so super blessed and excited to share with you that I will be holding a Revival for Jesus, sharing the love of our Lord Jesus Christ, on August 14th, 15th and 16th. The Revival will be at the Reserve, NM Baptist Church! The dates were set yesterday by the folks at the Church and I learned about it when I got home yesterday after preaching there! I have been praying about for this for months! PTL! The Lord has shown me that Catron County is ripe for revival! Amen! The Lord has shown me to share His love with all! We want to share His love with everybody! I have already lined up two additional speakers and I am working on music also. The Reserve area has become so special to me, as the Lord sent me there over a year ago for His purposes. Please hold up this Revival in your prayers and I will pass along more information as we pull all this together for God’s Glory Alone Amen!

Here is what Pastor Bill Ruhl of Albuquerque said upon hearing this news……”Revival comes as the hearts of men press into what God is already doing.” Pastor Bill is Vice-Chairman of FGGAM.

When I heard that it was just another conformation that we are to go forth as the Lord has shown me, He has been stirring the hearts of many in the Catron County New Mexico area!

The main purpose of the Revival is to show the LOVE of JESUS! AMEN! If you would like more info, please contact me at pastordewey@fggam.org Reserve youthdewey in ReserveReserve childrenReserve Stained Glass 1Reserve NM

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