What Does July 4th Call to Mind?

Photo From FGGAM Friend Sonja Haldeman of Arizona

July the Fourth by Pastor Bill Ruhl Vice Chairman of FGGAM

   What does July the Fourth call to mind? For me, summers at our cottage in Pennsylvania; family, friends, parades, flags, food, and of course, fireworks. Stories about the history of this great nation I had, and still have, the privilege of being born and raised in. Respect shown for men (and women); the fathers, uncles, grandfathers and forefathers who lived and died to secure the freedoms we all celebrate annually here in America. Songs of bravery, hope, beauty, majesty, and God. Yes, and God.

   In the midst of so much national disagreement and discontent as we seem to see and hear lately, still, on this Fourth of July, I will celebrate my nation, my friends, my neighbors, my family, my freedom, my liberty, and my God. “Oh beautiful, for spacious skies, for amber waves of grain, for purple mountain majesties above thy fruited plain! America! America! God shed His grace on thee and crown thy good with brotherhood from sea to shining sea!”

   This celebration is about over 239 years of blessings. So many have been born into less fortunate circumstances than even the least of these of the United States America had to suffer or endure. So many have come at great personal risk, cost, and sacrifice to be part of what this nation was, is, and will be. You hear it around the world…the “American Dream”. It is my prayer that those who find their way here now will understand the history of America’s greatness and add to, not detract, from who we are as a nation. It is my prayer that, although they celebrate who they once were and should not lose sight of where they have come from, that they will embrace the freedom and greatness of this nation and truly become citizens of this dream.

   I recognize that our history is not without its share of dark and dismal blemishes; from our horrendous treatment of the First Nations people who greeted refugees of long ago to their pristine land, to the unjust trafficking of in all forms of bondage and slavery from far away shores and even from within our own populace, to unjust laws, greed, violent wars and civil unrest…But God! On this Fourth of July reconciliation. But God! On this Fourth of July an awakening. But God! On this Fourth of July a shaking. But God! On this Fourth of July an expectation and a hope. But God! On this Fourth of July the possibilities of who we can be and who we are as a variegated people revealed. But God! On this Fourth of July let us not be unwise, but understand what the will of God is (Eph 5:17)… “Awake O sleepers! Arise from the dead! And Christ will give you Light!” (Eph 5:14)

   We as a nation may be at a tipping point in our history, but if we as a people of faith will pursue that which is acceptable to the Lord in our own lives, perhaps as the darkness is exposed we can walk together as children of the Light. And that will truly be the Freedom and Liberty that can be celebrated this and every Fourth of July…Where the Spirit of the Lord is, There is Freedom!

Pastor Bill Ruhl – Global Destiny Ministry – Vice Chairman of FGGAMSurprise Arizona Sonja picture

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