Can God Still Bless America This 4th of July?
Independence Day. I hope you know the history. I pray you’ve read the Declaration. Most of all, I pray that you understand the biblical underpinnings of where liberty and self-government come from.
I grew up in small town Texas until I moved to Albuquerque at 12. The elementary school I attended was a public school, but there was corporate prayer and bible reading and the entire school recited the pledge of allegiance together.
I recall the pride I had in decorating a bicycle for the 1976 4th of July parade. I love the color blue, so taking my blue bike and wrapping paper streamers of red, white and blue and finding ways to decorate the spokes even more, I thought for sure I would win the prize for the best bike in the line up.
It was a different time for sure, but it was not all that long ago. I remember seeing so many people lining the streets we paraded down, waving flags and cheering to see the veterans of this war or that.
Granted my developing a mild case of heat stroke interrupted the event for me, but my mom got me into the shade and gave me a never-ending cup of water or Gatorade.
As a nine year old, this parade and the fireworks and speeches that followed re-enforced a patriotism that is deeply rooted in me to this day.
Something that goes deeper is the understanding that this nation came about not as a result of the will of man, but the providence of God. If you haven’t done recently, read the Declaration of Independence.
Really, go read it.
Did you read it all the way through? If you did, I would image that you recognize that our liberty comes from the Creator. That He gave men the right to choose their government.
This is nearly impossible for an ungodly people to understand. They prefer tyranny because sin draws them to it. The enemy understands this too. That is why he employees the doctrine of Balaam.
The scripture (Torah) portion for this week is Numbers 22:2-25:9. It is the story of Balak hiring Balaam to curse Israel. I won’t give you a full on commentary here, but the story ends with Balaam telling Balak that if he would like to stop Israel, the secret is to corrupt Israel and remove the protection of God and worse, bring the judgment of God on the people of God.
The doctrine of Balaam shows up again in Revelation 2, but suffice to say if what Abraham Lincoln stated is true, America will not be destroyed from the outside but from within by choosing immorality over righteousness.
Let’s face facts here; around New Mexico and around the United States, the parades have mostly stopped. If they happen at all, they are smaller affairs and poorly attended.
The 4th of July for many Americans has become just another excuse to eat and drink too much while fulfilling their inner pyromaniac with pathetically weak fireworks due to over regulation by the nanny state.
There are many planning to burn US flags this 4th of July because of real or perceived injustice, but how many are willing to change their lives and do the hard work needed to restore liberty and freedom.
We are more concerned about abolishing the Confederate flag because we have no moral standard to live by. Many feel better by driving this flag from the public square to appease the nagging voice in them that says things are wrong.
True independence is achieved by drawing near to God. Liberty is found in the Spirit of God and the rejection of sin. Real freedom can only come from humbling ourselves before the King and submitting to His authority.
Can you see how the doctrine of Balaam being embraced by the people of our country is removing the protection of God and setting the stage for a plague to sweep across America?
The cure is available and it is the same as it was for Israel, reject the worship of idols and reject sexual immorality.
Here is a practical way to start. If your church or group of friends is not already planning something for the 4th, call up other believers and agree to come together for more than burgers, hot dogs and fireworks.
Bring the kids, and have a time of prayer, read the declaration of Independence out loud. You may realize that a few of the grievances the founders had with England sound familiar.
You can still eat some great food, shoot off some fireworks, even stage a little parade with some decorated bikes the kids decorate. But take a little time to rediscover the principles that created America and determine it is not too late for God to bless America.
First Baptist Church of Magdalena, NM –