U.S. President Barack Obama lashed out Monday against critics of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) regarding Iran’s renegade nuclear program. Speaking to reporters in Ethiopia, Obama blasted criticism of the agreement, saying it would be “ridiculous if it weren’t so sad.” Asserting that most of the world was behind the JCPOA he added that “I’ve not yet heard a factual argument on the other side that holds up to scrutiny.” However, Governor Mike Huckabee, a Republican candidate in the 2016 Presidential race, responded that what was “ridiculous and sad” was that the Obama Administration is not taking the threat from Iran seriously enough. Meanwhile, leaders and commentators of several Western allies in the Arab governments of the Middle East region continued to heap criticism on the JCPOA, as well as expressing growing frustration that Western leaders don’t seem to be listening. Read More