I Miss America


This is from FGGAM Friend Conrad Cordova from Tucson, Arizona……….

I Miss America.

The America we awoke to on 9/12/2001.

We were ONE people. We were all one color. There was no white, brown, black, yellow, or red. We were one ethnicity, one culture, one race. We cried, held our families close, we showed strangers love and compassion.culture, raceAmerica

The police were our heroes. We proudly waved our flag. We jumped up and volunteered to go to war. We STOOD for what was right. We believed in GOD. We CRIED when we heard the National Anthem and proudly placed our hand over our hearts.

I miss that America…..

Now, we are TWO people: US & THEM. There is so much hatred. So much killing. Hatred for the police. Hatred for our flag. Hatred for God.

What will it take? Another 9/11? It just may happen.

I Miss America….. what we were, what we stood for.

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