Trifecta…Three Major Articles Exposing ALL Three Abortion Clinics In Our City

We are Working Tirelessly to Make Our Community, “Abortion Free

By Tara Shaver

Albuquerque, NM- Trifecta…this past week three major articles were published exposing all three abortion killing centers in our city.

As pro-life missionaries we came here 5 years ago to make New Mexico abortion free. To have ALL three abortion clinics in our community come under scrutiny in one week is a small victory!

Read the three articles here:

Reality Check: We’re at War Against Incarnate Evil

How Much Money Does it Take For New Mexico GOP Leadership to Turn A Blind Eye?

Planned Parenthood moves to deflect attention

As Christians reflecting Christ, we must be the light shining the truth into the darkness. It is our responsibility to rise above the status quo and apply the necessary pressure and to be the salt which has the ability to preserve our communities.

Albuquerque has a notorious reputation because of the killing centers that are located here but we are trying to change that. We want this city to be a safe haven for precious pre-born children, our modern day “Least of These.”

We can’t do this work without you! Thank you to everyone who has joined in national protests in your communities and who support our efforts through your faithful prayers and financial support.

You are invaluable in this battle for human life!

We encourage you to stay involved and use your time, talent and treasure to help save those staggering to the slaughter. (Prov. 24:12)

Click here to make a secure online donation.

Together we can do more to end abortion in New Mexico.

Please pray for two protests we are holding this week.

On Wednesday, October 21st we will hold our weekly overpass protest and since the Department of Transportation tried shutting us down a few weeks ago we really need more helpers to hold banners and signs. Join us from 5-6pm (GPS and park at 6000 Brentwood Ln. NE).

On Saturday, October 24th we will protest at Planned Parenthood (701 San Mateo Blvd NE.) from 10-11am. We must keep the pressure on and maintain a peaceful protest presence at this place of death.


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