Islam Immigration Threatens World Freedom

Islam immigration threatens world freedom By Bill Wilson of The Daily JotSpirit of Islamdaily jot
What is happening in Europe right now likely may be a foreshadowing of what will occur in America in the near future–the Islam problem. Islamists are crowding Europe and threatening to colonize the continent because of lax immigration and failure to secure the borders. What sparked the Crusades in the Middle Ages–a defense of the homeland against Islamic aggression–may well turn out to be the issue of the new century in Europe–except this time Islam is invading without arms. In the United States, a “president” with Islamic sympathies and an impotent Congress are allowing Islam to take a foothold in colonization of North America. The end result is a threat to democracy and national security.
Reuters reports in London that Britain’s Prime Minister David Cameron has “unveiled a new strategy on Monday to combat extremism, saying the battle was “perhaps the “defining one of this century”, but his proposals were condemned by Muslims as demonizing their communities and set to fail.” According to Reuters, the Muslim Council of Britain (MCB), said the government’s strategy was based on poor analysis and risked alienating those whose support it. The MCB’s Secretary General, Shuja Shafi, said, “Whether it is in mosques, education or charities, the strategy will reinforce perceptions that all aspects of Muslim life must undergo a ‘compliance’ test to prove our loyalty to this country.”
The Cameron government’s Counter-Extremism Strategy, Reuters reports, is “designed primarily to counter the ideology promoted by Islamic State militants, al Qaeda and other Islamists which the authorities say can lead young Britons onto a path of violence.” Cameron wrote on his Facebook page, “Subversive, well-organized and sophisticated in their methods, Islamist extremists don’t just threaten our security, they jeopardize all that we’ve built together – our successful multi-racial, multi-faith democracy. So we have to confront them wherever we find them.” Cameron rightly assesses the situation with Islam. Islam is incompatible with freedom in general and Western democracy in particular.
While the politically correct and the so-called “enlightened” see no threat to democracy posed by Islamists, their position is clearly on the wrong side of history. Islam’s religious theology requires submission to Islam either by choice, by force or by death. Where in the world is there peace, freedom and just treatment under the law with Islam in control? With Islam there is no freedom of religion; no freedom of speech; there is slavery, domestic abuse, child abuse, sex trafficking, and drug trafficking as a matter of Islamic control and Sharia Law. Europe and America need to wake up for the example of Babylon in Jeremiah 51:14 looms: “Surely, I will fill thee with men, as with locusts; and they shall raise a battle cry against thee.”

Have a Blessed and Powerful Day!

Bill Wilson
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