Liberals Back in Control in Canada, Conservatives Take a Huge Hit


Obama is happy with this today:  The Liberals are back in control in Canada with a huge, stunning victory. Canadians returned to their past, bringing back the name Trudeau. Justin Trudeau, the son of the late Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau, became Canada’s new Prime Minister after his Liberal Party won a majority of Parliament’s 338 seats. Trudeau’s Liberals had been favored to win most seats, but few expected the final margin of victory. This is a blow to Israel, as now defeated Prime Minister Stephen Harper,  has been a great friend to the apple of God’s eye. Is what just happened in Canada a prelude to what is going to happen in America in the upcoming Presidential election? Clinton? Sanders? Biden? America is in a unGodly mindset, only 7% of the Country goes to Church anymore….Christians are a minority in America…It will take a miracle of God to put a Godly person in the White House.  MORE HEREjustin-trudeau-20141112

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