My heart breaks that New Mexico is in the national news for all the wrong reason again, FOR KILLING BABIES! When will New Mexico see the light of Jesus Christ and end the murder of babies? This is such an unGoldy mess……I hardly can type…..this whole mess makes me physically ill.
This involves the University of New Mexico! Where is the Governor on this? Where is the Attorney General on this? Now the Feds are pushing hard for answers…..
Here is the press release from The Energy and Commerce Committee:
Select Investigative Panel to Move Forward with Subpoenas
Washington DC — Chairman Marsha Blackburn announced today that the Select Investigative Panel on Infant Lives would begin issuing subpoenas next week to organizations that have failed to fully cooperate with document requests.
After consultation with Ranking Member Jan Schakowsky, Chairman Blackburn plans to issue three subpoenas early next week. Subpoenas will be issued to Stem Express; the University of New Mexico; and Southwestern Women’s Options.
“By failing to fully cooperate with our investigation, these organizations have compelled our panel to subpoena these documents in order to acquire information that is vital to the completion of our work,” said Chairman Blackburn. “Without these subpoenas, the American people and the House itself would be left to speculate about what is going on in the fetal tissue industry. We cannot leave questions unanswered.”
To date the Majority Staff of the Select Investigative Panel has sent more than 30 letters requesting documents. Those letters all asked for information to be provided voluntarily.
Congressman Marsha Blackburn serves as Chair of the Select Investigative Panel on Infant Lives and is Vice Chair of the House Energy and Commerce Committee. She represents the Seventh Congressional District of Tennessee.
ABQ JOURNAL: UNM is Not Cooperating
Here is the UNM Health and Science Center Internal Memo that was sent to their employees, thank you Father Stephen Imbarrato for sending this to me……
Matthew 5:10-12