What on Earth is happening to the American Election System?


American politics has never really been a pleasant process to watch, from the very early days of the union signers of the Declaration of Independence spared no insult and even spun tall tails to persuade voters that their opponent was a rotten no good bum who should be run out on a rail.

There were certainly newspapers and independent printers who would pick a side and say things that were untrue at best and down right libelous at worst. We should understand that this was not the case for all newspapers and media of the day, there were many who held themselves to high standards in seeking what was best for the nation.

This caused candidates to be better in campaigning and to develop their platforms and articulate their positions. Because the people where taught to read the constitution and understand the principles behind its words the politician had to bring a better understanding to make his case.

Today, because we have allowed the dumbing down of our children and their ability to grasp principles of higher thinking and logic the media must be sensational in its reporting to get the attention of readers, listeners and viewers in the numbers needed to keep the lights on. This creates a shallow media and a sideshow election where the candidates are given greater airtime for saying ridiculous and outrageous things that drive more eyes and ears. So we end up with fools that hope to have the once most powerful seat of government available, the presidency of the United States.

What is available to fix such a condition? How can we retrain multiple generations from baby boomers all the way down to the current crop of 18 year olds in but a few months? We can’t.

Understand that first we would all or at least most of us recognize that we have a problem, a problem of ignorance. Ignorance of God, ignorance of the constitution and much more. We, as a nation, need a heart change.

Hillary and Bill Clinton, Donald Trump and all the rest are not the problem, they are the symptom, sort of like flu-like symptoms are a part of a potentially worse illness including the flu, bad media and bad leaders are just the visible part of something much worse.

Once again, we should understand that the solution is found in Jesus Christ and the Word of God. If we want the wisdom to fix American, that is the source. A heart change can only occur if the Lord does it, and the Lord will answer the cry of His people if enough of them call out to Him with a broken heart.

Don’t blame Barrack Obama, Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump for our condition, they were allowed to flourish because the environment was right for them to do so. No, look to yourself for allowing this to happen and determine that from this day forward that as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.

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