Members of Congress help Veterans pass barriers at closed WWII Memorial


michelleThank the Lord for people like Rep.Michele Bachmann of Minnesota, Thank the Lord for the other members of Congress that joined her in this effort!! The Minneapolis Star Tribune reports: A group of veterans walked past barriers at the closed World War II memorial with help from members of Congress.

Hundreds of veterans arrived for a previously scheduled visit to the memorial Tuesday morning to find it barricaded by the National Park Service. Members of Congress, including Republican Rep. Michele Bachmann of Minnesota, went to the site after receiving panicked emails and cut police tape to let in the veterans from Iowa and Mississippi.

Bachman says it was “pure joy” when the veterans were allowed in because they had traveled so far. She says members of Congress plan to continue coming down to the memorial to ensure veterans can visit.

Park spokeswoman Carol Johnson says the service didn’t want to keep veterans out, but the agency was directed to close all memorials.


  1. Praise God for Michele & all the others who joined her for her protest in this manner! Take note of the last line above: “but the agency was directed to close all memorials”. This memorial is open and can only be barricaded to close it (at taxpayers expense to do so during a ‘shutdown’). Sounds a little like the White House & the sequester recently doesn’t it? Fortunately, my brother was able to take my father (92) to the memorial recently as a survivor of the Pearl Harbor attack on our first day of the war and didn’t need to have Dad go on an Honor Flight but trust me, we would have been there by Michele Bachmann’s side to ensure this event occurred! Without our WWII veterans, the U.S. of A. would be a much much different place. Praise GOD for our WWII vets and the entire American populace who supported them in defending our freedoms in those trying times. Praise GOD for Michele and the other members who joined her in this event!!! (I also note to thank those members of the park police who were present but did NOTHING to stop Michele & the vets; I pray our UNGODLY government does not try to reprimand these individuals for their GODLY lack of action allowing these brave people through!!!) Thank you Pastor for bringing us this important story!
    rick stambaugh, U.S. Navy Retired

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