Church Ownership is our new sermon series! Does anybody know who owns the Church? Matthew 16: 13-19. Who owns the Church you attend? Does anybody know? Does the bank? The Bible defines the Church as a group of people who have been called out according to God’s purpose. The word in the original Greek is Ekklesia. The Church building and grounds may be owned by a bank, but THE CHURCH is owned solely by our Lord Jesus Christ! Amen! Something else to keep in mind: Since the Church is made up of people, there will be occasional messes. Sadly, Pastors sometimes joke with each other saying, “If it weren’t for the people, being a Pastor would be the greatest job on earth!”
I want you to stop for a moment and think about the longevity of the Church! Over 2,000 years ago Jesus said, “On this rock I will build my Church and the gates of hell will not prevail against it!”
How many other organizations or companies do you know that can claim that longevity of existence????!!!