Radio Ad Warns Abortion Clinic Workers: Your job could put you in jail!

Radio ad warns Abortion Clinic Workers – “Your job could put you in jail! “
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Contact: Nicole Collins,  Delaware Right to Life, 302-650-8942,

VIDEO:  Delaware Right to Life Announces Clinic Workers Campaign in Delaware


Abortion Clinic Workers: Don’t Let Your Job Put You in Prison,
Newark, DE, October 9 2013

Billboards, radio blurbs, and social media throughout Delaware are asking a stark question of Planned Parenthood abortion clinic workers: could their jobs land them in prison? Delaware Right to Life and Life Dynamics, Inc. are partnering in a Clinic Workers Outreach project to urge abortion workers and volunteers to protect themselves from ongoing investigations into crimes in the abortion industry before it is too late.

Recent Delaware legislative hearings brought forward three ex-employees of Planned Parenthood of Delaware exposing horrific conditions and rushed, “meat-market” style assembly line abortions at PPDE. Sources have told local pro-life advocates that there are PPDE employees still inside who are unhappy with what they have seen.

Clinic workers have reason to worry about their own vulnerability to prosecution. In Philadelphia, abortionist Kermit Gosnell and eight of his employees went to prison for crimes against babies born alive.

Virtually every abortion clinic in the country is engaged in at least some sort of illegal activity and most are engaged in several. In late July, Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast agreed to pay $4.3 million to settle a federal civil suit charging that they fraudulently billed Texas Medicaid program for products and services either not provided or not necessary. $1.2 million of that settlement went to the whistle-blowing clinic worker. Whistleblower suits filed by former Planned Parenthood employees remain pending in CaliforniaTexas, and Iowa. In Pennsylvania, Kermit Gosnell’s uneducated, duped employees received long prison terms for following orders from the doctor and employer they trusted. provides a secure way for abortion clinic workers, former employees, and volunteers to come forward TO REPORT crimes and irregularities including the most common:

• Income Tax Evasion           • Physical Assault of Patients

• Medicaid Fraud                  • Sexual Harassment of Employees

• Insurance Fraud                 • Sexual Assault of Patients

• Money Laundering             • Failure to Report Statutory Rape of Minors

• Consumer Fraud                 • Health and Safety Code Violations

The campaign makes no moral judgment on abortion industry workers who may be pressured by economic need or who believe that abortion is good for women. Poorly paid staff are often forced to do the dirty work while CEOs and executives reap the profits of the abortion industry. offers a way for workers who have observed abuses to protect themselves and do the right thing.

For too long, the abortion industry has operated under the mask of respectability with little to no public accountability. The recent Gosnell trial in Philadelphia, and revelations
about abuses at Planned Parenthood of Delaware reveal the other side of that mask. They are a warning to clinic workers: get out before you get caught.

To report or learn about possible illegal activities, go to or



Rae Stabosz – Newark, DE


Billboards warn Abortion Clinic Workers – “Your job could put you in jail! “
Contact: Mark Crutcher, Life Dynamics, Inc., 940-380-8800
“One billboard is located at the entrance to the Planned Parenthood staff parking lot where workers will see it daily as they enter the clinic.” ~ Rae Stabosz, board member of Delaware Right to Life
Delaware Right to Life has placed pro-life billboards in their community to send a message to Planned Parenthood clinic workers that illegal activity could send them to prison.
According to Delaware Right to Life, the goal of the campaign is to, “urge abortion clinic workers and volunteers to protect themselves from ongoing investigations into crimes in the abortion industry before it is too late.”
The campaign by Delaware Right to Life is a result of Life Dynamics’ Clinic Workerproject. Life Dynamics, a national pro-life organization in Denton, Texas, provided the artwork for the billboards.
According to Rae Stabosz, board member of Delaware Right to Life, “We are placing the billboards in places where clinic workers will see them. So far we’ve placed four billboards in two of three Delaware counties. Delaware Right to Life had an existing pro-life billboard behind Planned Parenthood in Wilmington, the site where several clinic workers quit their jobs, describing what they observed as “meat market style assembly line abortions” which sent five patients toemergency rooms in an eight week period. Planned Parenthood also employed abortionist Timothy Liveright whose license was recently suspended for being a “clear and immediate danger to the public”, according to the attorney general’s office.  We have placed one Clinic Worker billboard below our existing billboard in that location. The billboard is located at the entrance to the Planned Parenthood staff parking lot where workers will see it daily as they enter the clinic. ”
Photos of the billboards placed by Delaware Right to Life:
      Photo Credit Rae Stabosz
The billboards warn abortion clinic workers, “Don’t let your job put you in prison.”

Life Dynamics recently re-launched their project with the knowledge that virtually every abortion clinic in the country is engaged in at least some sort of illegal activity and most are engaged in several.  Life Dynamics knows that when this information is brought out into the public, the consequences for the abortion industry can be devastating.



 Life Dynamics President, Mark Crutcher


Mark Crutcher, president of Life Dynamics points out, An issue that was recently brought into the public spotlight is the killing of children outside the womb who survive botched abortions.  While many of us in the pro-life movement already knew that this has been going on for years, the general public was not made aware of it until May, 2013, when Pennsylvania abortionist, Kermit Gosnell, was sentenced to life in prison for committing this crime.”


Gosnell employee mugs

Crutcher continues, “There’s going to be more of the Gosnell’s out there. Abortion clinic workers are getting scared; the thing that’s so important about the Gosnell situation is not that Gosnell went to prison, but that eight of his employees went to prison. All these employees out there are looking at that and saying, ‘You know what? I like my job and I’m pro-choice and all that, but I’m not interested in going to prison. I’m not that committed.”
Crutcher says, “You know, you can show abortion clinic workers pictures of dead babies all you want to. They see more dead babies than you’ll ever see in your life. They’ve forgotten more about dead babies than you’ll ever know. But you’ve got to appeal to them where they live, which is “I don’t want to go to jail. I’m seeing things in here that are bothering me, and I’m concerned about going to jail and I want to get help.”

 Photo Credit Rae Stabosz



Delaware Right to Life has this message for clinic workers who will see the billboards in their campaignWe appeal to you to protect yourselves, do the right thing. Abortion is a profit-minded industry that operates under the mask of respectability with little to no public accountability. But now the states are wising up. Get out before you get caught in the tide of exposure.”
Crutcher concludes, “I have always said, every piece of information we need to destroy the abortion industry is in the abortion industry and they know it. We are encouraging people to get out in front of abortion clinics with these materials, that is what Delaware Right to Life has done and that is what we hope more pro-life groups will do across the nation. This is only the beginning. 

Those who would like more information on the Clinic Worker Kit, can order them (products page), or contact Life Dynamics by phone @ 940-380-8800.



For an interview

Contact: Nicole Collins,  Delaware Right to Life, 302-650-8942,
Mark Crutcher, Life Dynamics, Inc., 940-380-8800

Delaware Right to Life:
Life Dynamics’ Clinic Worker Webite

About Life Dynamics:

Mark Crutcher’s Bio





Life Dynamics, Inc.

Po Box 2226

Denton, TX. 76202


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