Trump and Clinton Take The Stage For The Second Debate Amid an Extraordinary Political Atmosphere

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Trump turns to debate to curb campaign meltdown
By Niall Stanage
Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton will take the stage for their second debate Sunday evening amid an extraordinary political atmosphere.
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Chaos in GOP: Calls grow for Trump to drop out of race
By Harper Neidig and Jonathan Easley
Donald Trump’s presidential campaign is teetering on the edge of implosion over the obscene sexual comments he made about women, with the nominee facing unprecedented calls from Republicans to drop out of the race.
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Trump: ‘Zero chance I’ll quit’
By Elliot Smilowitz
Donald Trump says there’s no way he’s dropping out of the presidential race.
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Senate Republicans wrestle with dumping Trump
By Alexander Bolton
Senate Republican leadership and vulnerable GOP incumbents are wrestling with the dilemma of whether to fully withdraw their support from Donald Trump.
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By The Hill staff
GOP lawmakers and elected officials are abandoning presidential nominee Donald Trump in droves just one month before Election Day over tape of his sexually obscene remarks on women.
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Melania Trump asks forgiveness for husband’s ‘offensive’ comments
By Paulina Firozi
Melania Trump says she was offended by her husband Donald Trump’s “unacceptable” sexual remarks about women, but asked the nation on Saturday to accept his apology.
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Replacing Trump would mean mayhem for GOP: experts 
By Jonathan Swan
The Republican Party would face enormous political and legal problems should it decide to replace Donald Trump as its presidential nominee, election law experts agree.
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GOP worries Trump will exacerbate party drift  
By Reid Wilson
Audio recordings revealing Donald Trump’s vulgar and graphic language about women during a taped 2005 interview threatens to exacerbate an already glaring demographic weakness for the Republican presidential nominee.
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Senate Democrats clamor for Clinton’s help in final stretch
By Alexander Bolton and Amie Parnes
Senate Democrats say Hillary Clinton needs to share the wealth with down-ballot candidates, as she’s sitting on millions of dollars in contributions while Democrats in battleground states get pummeled by outside groups.
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Arrested NSA contractor is no Snowden, officials say
By Katie Bo Williams
A federal contractor recently arrested for removing classified materials from the National Security Agency (NSA) is no Edward Snowden, former intelligence and law enforcement officials say.
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The New York Times: Donald Trump’s conduct was excused again and again. But not this time.
By Michael Barbaro and Patrick Healy
It turns out that even the most self-interested members of the political class, the true weather vanes swinging in the wind, have their limits.
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The Washington Post: Despite latest controversy, some Christian conservative leaders say they’re still with Trump
By Tom Hamburger
“Evangelicals are simply not going to vote for Hillary Clinton,” said David Lane, a founder of the American Renewal movement.
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The Associated Press: Trump’s vulgar remarks put Pence in awkward position
By Thomas Beaumont
Mike Pence has long described himself as a “Christian, a conservative and a Republican in that order.”
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Reuters: Sanders supporters seethe over Clinton’s leaked remarks to Wall St.
By Luciana Lopez and Jeff Mason
Supporters of former Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders on Saturday expressed anger and vindication over leaked comments made by Hillary Clinton to banks and big business that appeared to confirm their fears about her support for global trade and tendency to cozy up to Wall Street.
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The Wall Street Journal: Bernie Sanders gives Hillary Clinton a pass over speech excerpts
By Laura Meckler
The former Democratic presidential hopeful had once pressed eventual nominee to release transcripts of her Wall Street remarks.
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