This is more of the same nothing noise that has been coming out of DC for far too many years! As we used to say back home, These guys and gals need a “come to Jesus meeting!” For the first time since Sept. 30, the federal government will be fully open Thursday after President Obama signed a short-term bill ending the partial government shutdown and raising the debt ceiling, capping one of the most bitter and brutal political fights in recent memory.
I am so tired of hearing these politicians say, God Bless America…..IT IS TIME FOR AMERICA TO BLESS GOD! AMEN!
The bill cleared the House late Wednesday on a 285-144 vote, lifted over the finish line by a large chunk of Democrats. All House Democrats voted in favor of the bill and 87 Republicans did as well. 144 Republicans voted against it.
The Senate, where the plan originated, earlier voted 81-18 for the bill. As soon as Obama signed the legislation, the White House directed all federal agencies affected by the slimdown to promptly restore staffing to normal levels.
My spirit is sadden by what is going on in our Country, and with our do nothing President and Congress. I am thankful for the people going back to work and getting their paychecks, but this President and Congress have not fixed a thing.
My Dear friend Pastor Dave Blackwell of Farmington, NM posted this on his facebook last night: He is right on!
The S & P (Standard and Poor’s 500 Stock Market scale) says that Representatives’ and Senators’ and President’s shutdown of the Government cost the U.S. (US!) $24 Billion. There are nations in the world who don’t know that number. You could put the economies of several nations together and they wouldn’t come up with $24 billion dollars of worth. But, our Government did it–in an economy that is trillions of dollars in debt with more taxes added on for personal projects and more jobs lost for lack of funds. I was taught–and many of you were taught–that when we owe somebody or some company something, it’s expected that we are to pay back what we were lent or took. The nationally elected politicians owe the country $24 billion dollars because of their stubbornness and especially because of their gross lack of American statesmanship. I say to them, “Pay up! You got your salaries after a nice vacation. Pay up! You owe your constituents, especially the military that protects your overpriced keesters, $24 billion. And then, we owe trillions of dollars because of what you spent. PAY UP!” These so-called representatives of our nation are the absolute worst in American history. Honestly, if we don’t vote this bunch out starting in 2014, then we need to stop the whining and griping about them. We get what we won’t change. I am sorely hacketh-ed off. God bless! (If I’ve done nothing else, I’ve given some of our government snoops something to read tonight.)
Amen Pastor!!! We all need to pray & my prayers include voting them ALL out; democrats, republicans & independents followed by term limits to get Washington out of the ‘BUY YOUR VOTE’ business which is what they all spend 99% of their time working on. Two major problems now lie in our way however. First, the fact that over half the country is having their votes bought with freebies and second, far too many will not pay attention to what is really happening in our country. I fully understand our need to help provide for those who can not provide for themselves but we’re way beyond that point now. You are so very very correct, “AMERICA, BLESS GOD”. I hate to sound pessimistic but unless we can get GOD back in our schools, our society, our government and more importantly, our personal lives I see little progress! I continue to pray!!!