Let Us Be in Prayer, WalletHub: New Mexico Worst Place to Raise a Family

  • Very, very sad report on the state of affairs in New Mexico, breaks my heart, only God can turn this around…..I have been talking about these awful problems since we moved here in 1995……I am weeping….and praying……
    Thy word is a lamp unto my feet,
    and a light unto my path.
       Psalm 119:105
    If I am in the habit of steadily facing myself with God,
    my conscience will always introduce God’s perfect law
    and indicate what I should do. Oswald Chambers
     Only God can turn this around……….not politicians.
    Las Cruces Sun-News


    From joemonahan.com
    What else can you say? It’s a shame what has happened to our state. This is the latest WalletHub study on the best and worst places to raise a family:

    “New Mexico ranked 51st among the 50 states and the District of Columbia in the study, which looked at the percentage of families below poverty level, unemployment rates, divorce rates, education quality, infant mortality, child care costs and other factors. New Mexico ranked particularly poorly on poverty (50th), unemployment (48th), violent crime rate (48th), divorce rate (46th) and the percentage of two-parent families (47th). The only relatively positive metrics were the infant mortality rate and the “family fun” ranking, in which the state ranked 18th. It was around the middle on child care costs (27th) and came in at 36th on housing affordability. Overall, the state ranked just below Mississippi. At the top of the list were North Dakota, New Hampshire and Vermont.”

    Hmm. That would make for once heckuva “State of the State” address. Reader Chris Rucker piles on:

    “. . . diversifying our economy, reforming our education system and keep our communities safe,” said Governor Martinez. What state does she think she governs? Other than brew pubs, and building business incubators, what economic improvements have we had in the past 6 years? We lead the nation in car thefts, near the top in homicides per capita and New Mexico graduates fewer HS students than almost any other state. More problems surrounding addictions of all kinds while we encourage alcohol consumption and gambling because it’s an easy way to raise more state revenues. Come on, our leadership needs to focus on fixing our quality of life problems that cost taxpayers so much money every year.”


    Why is the World full of evil, like abortions in New Mexico? Like dissecting babies brains at UNM?

    “So I tell you this, and insist on it in the Lord, that you must no longer live as the Gentiles do, in the futility of their thinking. They are darkened in their understanding and separated from the life of God because of the ignorance that is in them due to the hardening of their hearts” Eph 4: 17, 18.

    The Scriptures call the mind of the natural man “blinded” 2 Cor. 4:4, “depraved” Romans 1:28, “corrupt” 1 Tim. 6:5, and “unspiritual” Col. 2:18. The natural mind thinks from a humanistic, sin-debased viewpoint. The viewpoint of the flesh directs its thoughts. The sinful mind is under the control of Satan and can never please God because it concentrates on things of the world and not things of the Spirit. The natural mind walks the road of hopelessness and self-destruction.

    There are bad ramifications for not following God’s Word…….That is what New Mexico is experiencing.

    Jesus is always the answer! Not man! Amen!


  • Phoenix Business Journal16 hours ago

    WalletHub placed Arizona at No. 45, ahead of Alaska (No. 46), Nevada (No. 47), Louisiana (No. 48), the District of Columbia (No. 49), Mississippi (No. 50) and New Mexico (No. 51). To …

  • larampadinapoli.com12 hours ago

    Looking at 40 key indicators of family friendliness, WalletHub compared all 50 states … Six Flags Great Adventure and the Jersey Shore (just to name a few) weren’t enough. New Mexico

  • There is good news on movement for GOD!!!! AMEN!!! 
    January 18, 2017
    For Immediate Release
    Elisa Martinezelisa@nmallianceforlife.org
    New Coalition, New Mexico for Ethical Medical Treatment Urges NM Legislators to Defend Life In All Stages

    ALBUQUERQUE, NM: Today, the New Mexico Conference of Catholic Bishops along with New Mexico Alliance for Life and other groups announced the newly formed coalition, New Mexico for Ethical Medical Treatment (NM EMT).  The newly formed group is calling on state legislators to address inconsistencies in medical ethics and medical treatment across the state. Archbishop Wester of the Archdiocese of Santa Fe called on state legislators to maintain a consistent ethic for life, “the people of our diocese stand very strongly for life from conception to natural birth, we believe in the sanctity of human life.”

    The group voiced its support of legislation filed by Representative Rod Montoya (R-San Juan), HB 37, the Born Alive Infant Protection Act.  The legislation requires infants who survive abortion procedures to be given care, and if necessary, medical treatment.   Dr. Maryrose Turner, a spokesperson for the group cited a University of New Mexico Hospital policy which states that fetal demise may take up to 24 hours:  “This means it can take 24 hours for that baby to die, alone in a hospital or abortion clinic,” said Dr. Turner.  “A crying baby in an abortion clinic makes for bad business, and we know in the case of late-term abortionist Kermit Gosnell, he would snip the spinal cords of infants born inside his clinic.”
    NM EMT is prepared to fight for the rights of patients against any physician assisted suicide legislation as well.   “Physician assisted suicide is highly dangerous for New Mexicans, and American Medical Association affirms this fact,” said Dr. Greg Schmedes, New Mexico State Director of the American Academy of Medical Ethics. “While the law will potentially give more options for the rich and well educated, this is not the case for the poor and uninformed.”
    “Every year we see politicians propose legislation to protect children and families, which should not discriminate against anyone, including infants, people with disabilities and the elderly-who are often left out of these discussions and deserve equal protection under the law.”  said Elisa Martinez Executive Director of New Mexico Alliance for Life.   “We are proud to partner with New Mexicans for Ethical Medical Treatment to address these issues of life and death at the Legislature.”
    New Mexico for Ethical Medical Treatment (NM EMT) includes the American Academy of Medical Ethics NM, New Mexico Alliance for Life, New Mexico Council of Catholic Bishops, New Mexico Right to Life and Adoption Assistance Agency.   Video of the press conference available here.
    The New Mexico Alliance for Life is a nonpartisan organization focused on changing state and local laws by empowering women with better and informed choices when facing unplanned or difficult pregnancies and advocating for better protections for women and unborn children from an unsafe abortion industry. For more information visit www.nmallianceforlife.org


    NM Alliance for Life, NM Alliance for Life, Albuquerque, NM 87110

    Launch of New Mexico Prays

    Albuquerque, NM,: New Mexico Prays is a movement of churches covering New Mexico in 24/7 prayer. It launched officially on January 1, 2017, and already has 36 churches in ten cities across New Mexico that are praying for revival for the Church and transformation for our state. Please visit their website to sign up your church to pray for either a full day or a half day every month. www.newmexicoprays.org

    • New Mexico Prays Team:

    Co-Chairmen: Brian Alarid, Lead Pastor, Passion Church, 505-395-6410

    Richard A. Mansfield, Senior Pastor, New Beginnings Church, 505-377-0744

    Board Members: David C. Cooper, Bishop, New Hope Full Gospel Baptist Church

    Danny Sanchez, Senior Pastor, Victory Outreach Church of Albuquerque John Robb, Chairman, International Prayer Council

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