When Titles Don’t Matter


I don’t know how many people still have bookcases in their homes, but we’re not too far down the digital road where the idea of standing in front of a row of books eludes understanding.  So, for a moment, imagine standing there, looking at a row of books.  They all have different heights and widths, they vary in color and weight, and the content contained within their pages vary vastly.

Perhaps this is the moment where you had an unforeseen free hour in your day, and you just want to curl up on the couch with a good novel.  Or, you’ve been passionately involved in a project and would like to read more about how others succeeded in this realm in years past.  Maybe you just need to figure out how to make eggplant parmesan.  Do you grab the book on the far left?  Or, is it the one right in the middle?  Of course you simply need to look at the title of the book to determine if it’s the one that will meet you needs.  Titles matter.  Unless they don’t.

Last night was the joint Open House for Love INC of Albuquerque and Care Net.  It served as a celebration of the opening of Care Net’s new clothing closet location.  We, at Love INC, have great new neighbors, and together our two ministries have the opportunity for expanded ministry and involvement.

At one point in the evening, a gentleman was talking to me about his work in ministry and expressed that he “better get back downstairs to Care INC.”  I smiled and didn’t bother to correct him because I thought it was a beautiful mistake.  Care INC, Love Net. . . it’s a wonderful mash up.

The titles of our respective ministries help identify what we do.  After all, you wouldn’t come to Love INC for an oil change or visit Care Net to get a haircut.  However, as ministries, when our titles get blurred and we just become organizations that love on and help people in their need, I see that as a success.

I’ve often been frustrated at the territorial nature of ministries and churches in Albuquerque.  Aren’t we all on the same team?  I understand we all have to raise money, report our stats to those that care, and be about the business of running our organizations.  Yet, were we to engage in the practice of being better neighbors and friends, the reach and impact we could make in our community could be exponential.

I can’t force change to take place, but I want to be an example of what it looks like to “play nicely in the sandbox together.”  Working intertwined as Christians, setting aside the right to plant my flag in the top of the rock pile, is what I want to see happen in increasing measure.

Who wants to join in?  Imagine the potential if we choose not to be in fear, worrying about who gets the credit.  Our God is big enough to meet all of our needs.  My ministry friends, will you link arms with me as together we proclaim “As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord”?


To read more from Birga, please visit https://www.hungrytolearn.com/

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