Developing a Sacred Conscience


March 18, 2017

Developing a Sacred Conscience

1 Corinthians 2:10-16

The Lord has given you a conscience for your protection. To develop and trust this warning system, you must be committed to taking certain actions.

Apply the Word of God to daily living. As you put into practice “the perfect law that gives freedom” (James 1:25 NIV), your conscience will grow stronger because you know God’s heart better.

Arrive at decisions through prayer. Instead of choosing something merely because it looks, sounds, or feels good, bring every issue before the Lord in prayer.

Agree to obey God. When you strongly desire to function God’s way, you will consistently ask, What does He want me to do? This practice will enable you to discern and follow the Spirit’s lead.

Acquire a deeper sensitivity to the Spirit’s conviction. As believers, we are no longer condemned (Rom. 8:1), so we must recognize the difference between the conviction of the Holy Spirit and condemnation from the enemy. The Spirit always shows us exactly what needs repentance—He doesn’t give us a sense of vague guilt. His conviction has the purpose of turning us back to Him.

Abandon yourself to the perfect will of God. If you recommit daily to be a “living sacrifice” for the Father alone, your inner compass will steer you closer to the Lord. Then, as you refuse to conform to this world’s pattern and instead renew your thinking according to the mind of Jesus Christ, you will be able to “test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will” (Rom. 12:1-2 NIV).

Bible in One Year: Judges 16-17

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