No Worries…He’s Got You Covered


No Worries…He’s Got You Covered


Father, I thank you that for every person that will trust in You and in Your Word, You have them covered. We thank you for Your peace that transcends the natural mind. No situation is too hard for You. You are an amazing God and hopeless is not Your language. Today, for ever reader that is going through a storm; may they speak peace to their circumstance. I pray the Holy Scriptures will be life to their very being.

As we choose to praise you, Oh God, you do what you do best. You turn mourning into dancing. You calm the storm and you bring peace. 

Thank you for covering Your people all across this globe.

Have a blessed day beautiful people, speak to your situation, believe His Word and go forth in peace…He has you covered…

John 14:27 Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.



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