Dirty, tired, and blistered hands grasping with all their might a worn out shovel as it digs deeper into what seems to be an endless mountain of hurt, pain, and regret. You are so battered and everything in your mind and body yells out for you to lay down your tool and rest, to give up on the hunt but your heart and soul screams out louder that you must keep searching. So you bandage your wounds and continue to dig deeper looking for what you know has been promised to you…a reward greater than anything you are feeling now. Then with a sound so wonderful only angels could sing it, you hear the noise of earth meeting Heaven. Of flesh meeting death and of new life being breathed into your dry and brittle bones. You have struck treasure. You have finally found what your soul has been seeking so relentlessly for…You have found Him, the Master…and all that He has in that treasure box for you is comparable to nothing else this world can ever offer. It doesn’t contain earthly things. It holds only what truly matters…peace in the storms of life, love unconditional and absolute, the ability to do all things in His strength, hope when there seems to be no hope, light when all else is dark, joy unspeakable in the midst of tears, and rest for your war torn soul. You have unearthed a treasure that will not rust, rot, or stain and it will always be light enough for you to carry. God is an unending supply and because you pressed on even when it seemed all hope was lost and the end of the struggle was no where in sight, you have found all you will ever need.
So, if you have been holding onto that shovel of faith and have grown weary in the search, I encourage you to wrap up those blisters on your palms, grab the handle tighter than ever and dig like never before. Don’t let up. When you least expect it, you will give one last shove and you will hear the sound you’ve been waiting on, the noise that one hears when their Saviour is so very near to their brokeness. A love that has no end and riches that have no earthly value but whose price is far above rubies and gold. You are almost there… Just keep digging… He is closer than you could imagine…
“I pray that your hearts will be flooded with light so that you can understand the wonderful future he has promised to those he called. I want you to realize what a rich and glorious inheritance he has given to his people.” Eph. 1:18
“I will give you the treasures of darkness, riches stored in secret places, so that you may know that I am the LORD, the God of Israel, who summons you by name.” Isaiah 45:3
Nicole R. Bryan