I kind’a scratch my head at news like this and bow my head and pray for these folks. I asked Dr. Richard Mansfield of New Beginnings Church in ABQ to speak about this Billboard campaign. I also like the New Beginnings Church Billboard a lot better! AMEN! PTL!

From Dr. Mansfield:  It’s interesting that the American Atheists are first mocking the church for believing what we do and then in the same breathe, they are wishing us a Happy Holiday all the while not believing in the very reason for the holiday.

We shouldn’t be surprised about this billboard or their attitude towards God or the people of God. Jesus told us the the world would hate us just as it had hated him.

Thank you Dr. Mansfield, Merry Christmas to you and Cindy and all the folks at New Beginnings!

Read More Here About The Atheist Campaign


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