Iranian Leadership Blames ‘Foreign Enemies’ for Protests



Headlines from Jerusalem, 3 January 2018

“For the grace of God has appeared, bringing salvation to all men, instructing us to deny ungodliness and worldly desires and to live sensibly, righteously and godly in the present age” Titus 2:11-12


Iranian Leadership Blames ‘Foreign Enemies’ for Protests

Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei issued a fiery statement on Tuesday declaring that external enemies of the Islamic Republic were responsible for the recent wave of public protests, dismissing the stated grievances of the masses who have taken to the streets of Iranian cities as “propaganda” fed to agitators by the US, UK, Saudi Arabia and Israel. Nevertheless, protests continued Wednesday with increasing instances of chants of “Death to the dictator!” and “Death to Khamenei!”


Palestinian Authority Reacts with Outrage to Trump Tweets

Palestinian Authority officials reacted with outraged indignation Wednesday to a tweet hours earlier by US President Donald Trump which said “with the Palestinians no longer willing to talk peace, why should we make any of these massive future payments to them.” PA negotiator Nabil Shaath told the Jerusalem Post that “This statement has absolutely no justification…this [tweet] shows that Trump is not a serious man.”

Seinfeld in Israel for Solidarity Tour

Legendary comedian Jerry Seinfeld is in Israel this week to perform two shows and to show solidarity with the Jewish State of which he has long been an enthusiastic supporter. On Tuesday, he spent time at Ramon Air Force Base to visit with service members and take pictures with them and their aircraft, which the IDF happily tweeted.

Israel Blesses the World

Medical scientists at Tel Aviv University unveiled research with treatment applications for some of the most deadly forms of pancreatic cancer this week. The results of the research into using nano-technology to pinpoint and inhibit the growth of tumors in mice were published in the prestigious medical journal Nature Communications and will soon be reviewed by medical professionals worldwide.

2017 Set Record for Israeli Tourism Industry

Israel’s Tourism Ministry announced this week that 2017 set an all-time record for visitors to the Jewish State at just over 3.6 million. The Ministry’s numbers also include an estimate that tourists spent around NIS 20 billion in the country, supporting the over 200,000 Israelis who work in the industry. Most of the visitors came from five countries, the US, Russia, France Germany and the UK, and just over half were Christian pilgrims.


The Roots of the Iranian Protests
Dr. Doron Itzchakov, BESA

The social protests now sweeping across Iran reflect the deep tension between the Islamic regime’s commitment of vast resources to the assertion of Tehran’s regional hegemony and the yearning of middleclass Iranians for improvement to their economic wellbeing.


INSS Conference on Iran’s Renegade Nuclear Program

In early December, 2017, a conference was held at the Institute for National Security Studies think tank at Tel Aviv University on the subject of the rising threat from Iran’s renegade nuclear program. The speakers at the conference included former IDF chiefs of staff, senior Israeli and American diplomats and policy experts.


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Today’s news was written and compiled by Aaron Hecht.

ICEJ News is a free email service providing news and comments on Middle East affairs compiled by journalists at the International Christian Embassy Jerusalem and supported by donations from subscribers.

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