United States Marine Corps Celebrates 238th Anniversary


Today (11/10/13) is the official anniversary of the United States Marine Corps. To all who have come before, to all now serving and to all yet to serve — Happy Anniversary and thank you from the bottom of our hearts and souls!

Pastor Dewey Note:

Thanks Chuck for this outstanding post! Chuck is one of my hero’s, he served in the Marines as did my Dad Wally Moede Sgt. U.S. Marines WWII. Monday is Veterans Day and we have a Veterans Day Special from Jerry Stewart, please tell your friends to listen here: https://fggam.org/fggam-is-blessed-to-presents-jerry-stewarts-veterans-day-program-their-last-full-measure/

3g09843vMarine Corps
First to fight – “Democracy’s vanguard” U.S. Marine Corps – Join now and test your courage – Real fighting with real fighters / Sidney H. Riesenberg 1917.


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  1. Praise GOD for our Marines & Happy Birthday to all of you who are reading this. Working directly with the Marines for decades in my service in the Navy in the amphibious field of operations, I got to know many a Marine and know your Honor in your service. Many a Marine Birthday Ball I was able to attend and it was ALWAYS a true treat!
    My association with the Marines began early in my career as a young 18 year old sailor who happened into a helicopter which got shot down in Viet Nam on the wrong side of the line. 3 of us, out of 13 made it out and spent close to two weeks wondering around hiding & trying to survive while we didn’t have a clue where we were and had no communications equipment whatsoever. Twas a Marine Recon Platoon who eventually found us and pulled us out.
    I thank GOD for our Marines, and all our service men & women actually, every day! We own them such an Honor it is impossible to describe. Thank You to all Marines on this great day, (Happy Birthday!!!), and Thank You to ALL our service men & women and I congratulate you on this upcoming Veterans Day tomorrow. Some Gave All, All Gave SOME!!! THANK YOU!!!
    rick stambaugh, U.S. Navy Retired

  2. Pastor you are too kind and Rick’s comment says more about his courage and valor than many will ever know.

    His service to this country is exceeded only by his service to our LORD. Rick is now waging a battle against a killer that has Satan as a sponsor.

    God bless both of you and everyone pray for Rick and this ministry

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