The Word for the Day: When We Are to Blame


When We Are to Blame

Read | Luke 15:11-32

As we saw yesterday, some needs are universal—necessities that are common to all people. Today, let’s focus on needs of a different kind: those that arise when we are to blame.

Think about the prodigal son. This young man had everything he could possibly want—he lived in a beautiful home, had plenty of food, and was raised in a wealthy and popular family. However, he unwisely set his eye on the one thing he didn’t have: prestige. He wanted to be his own man and get out from under the shadow of his father and older brother. Despite having the finest things in life, he wanted independence.

The result? This young man had a wonderful time, but only for a little while. He desired the joys that went along with success but paid no attention whatsoever to the responsibilities wealth required. Therefore, he drove himself into a world of pain and need that he’d never before experienced. And he had no one to blame but himself.

Hurting, hungry, and alone, the prodigal knew full well how and where his needs would be met. Then, accepting the blame, he turned and made the journey home.

When we are hurting, we often try to find someone else to blame. It can be heartbreaking to realize the fault is actually our own. When this describes your situation, can you, like the prodigal son, swallow your pride and turn back toward your heavenly Father? If you do, you’ll discover He’s already running out to meet you, ready to supply your needs again.


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