Meet The Southwest Pilot Who Landed The Crippled Flight Safely



Albuquerque lost a wonderful woman this week with the passing of Jennifer Riordan. Very sad.  Meet the professional Southwest pilot that landed the crippled flight safely.

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We mourn, we weep the loss of Jennifer Riordan of ABQ, Jennifer was one of 149 people on board the Southwest Jet that blew an engine this week. Her family confirmed her death in a statement: “Jennifer’s vibrancy, passion and love infused our community and reached across our country. Her impact on everything and everyone she touched can never be fully measured.”

From all accounts the Riordan family is what we used to call an All-American family! I remember seeing Jennifer and her hubby being interviewed on KOB TV on how they balanced family life with work, it was very inspiring!

Please join us in praying peace and comfort over Jennifer’s family and many friends.

Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted. Matthew 5:4

So many have shared on Jennifer’s commitment to God and people. Let us all learn from her life, the impact she had on the Kingdom of God.

I pray I can have a positive effect on this earth as Jennifer did, God Bless the memory of Jennifer Riordan!

Jennifer’s life Preaches Jesus!

“A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.” John 13:34

Pastor Steve Stucker wrote this…………

Morning Inspiration: “Lord, remind me how brief my time on earth will be.
Remind me that my days are numbered—
how fleeting my life is. Psalm 39:4

The shocking death of a vibrant, young community leader, who was a
loving wife & mother, has many trying to make sense of it all. In a
freak accident, a jet engine exploded & the debris blew out the window
she was sitting by. There must have been hundreds of other airliners
flying around the world at that very moment. 149 passengers were
onboard her plane. The odds of her being the one in that spot, at that
instant, were astronomical. I can’t even begin to try & explain why it
happened. Yet we trust that God can. We could quote many scriptures
that we hope will bring some comfort, but I suggest refraining from
for now. I prefer this one, that asks the Lord to remind us that our
life is incredibly short, & uncertain.
Most never stop to think about life’s brevity, & how precious each day
should be. Are there people you need to express your love to? Do you
have relationships to mend, actions to apologize for? If today is your
last one on earth, would you die feeling you had done your best to
make things right with everyone you know? What about your faithfulness
& service to Jesus? Are you putting off things you know God has called
you to do? None of us are promised a tomorrow in this life. Those who
trust in Jesus as Savior are promised an eternity in paradise in our
next life. Think how much sweeter that will be, knowing you treasured
each person & every day in this life, as a wonderful gift from our
Steve Stucker

Men’s Ministry Team
New Covenant Church

A Memorial Service has been set for Jennifer this Sunday more here: ABQ Journal Report

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