Don’t Ever Stop Dreaming Beautiful People…Angel’s Prayer Of The Day


Don’t Ever Stop Dreaming Beautiful People…


Good morning beautiful people. I love to flip the pages through my old prayer journals and reflect on the prayer times I have had with God. Throughout the years, I have penned the journey and the many questions I asked Him and the answers He gave to me. As years go by these journaled prayer times have meant so much to me, as I reflect back on how I cultivated a relationship with the Creator of the Universe.

This morning, I smile big as I flip the pages of a prayer asking God how to help people dream again. Singer, songwriter Annie Charles and I were preparing to go to the Los Angeles Dream Center for a two-week mission. I laughed, I cried, as I sought the heart of God and why He directed us to go. A mission I will never forget. In the years ahead, I would walk out the process in my own life and journey it with others as well. I have discovered there are many missions right here in my hometown. I didn’t realize how difficult it is for people (including me) to step back out in areas of our lives after a difficult circumstance.

When we realize how much we are loved and cherished by our Creator, it changes everything. He tells us there is nothing that can separate us from His love. He tells us we were bought with a price. He tells us He will never leave us nor forsake us.

Some folk can always help us see past failures, mistakes and help us stay stuck. Not Jesus! He’s saying, get back up, step right up, step out again. Up, up, go, go. I love you, your mine. I will never leave you nor forsake you. I got you covered. Can’t you hear Him beautiful people? He is the good Father.

Dream as big as you want my daughter, my son. I have your back. I will lead and guide you. I created mankind with great intelligence and I have gifted you. Don’t let fear of the unknown hold you back. Step out, step out, go, go.

Have a blessed day beautiful people. Dust off your dreams, get back up, step out and go, go! Hope to meet you on the journey.

Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

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