House of Hope Radio: Seeking God


Welcome to the House of Hope!

Please tune in as I have some great news about the House of Hope in Windom coming up August 10th and 11th at the BARC!

I also have a message for you on seeking God……..

Charles Stanley, in this world of impatience, this world that wants everything NOW, WAIT….God promises that He acts on our behalf when we wait for Him. Is. 64:4. If we run ahead of Him and try to fix things on our own or manipulate circumstances, we will most certainly be disappointed. However, if we wait on the Lord, then our sovereign, divine, omnipotent God will act on our behalf. It’s our choice.

God Bless you all, please pray for us and our “full plate” and for our preparations for the “House of Hope” in Windom, Minnesota August 10th and 11th!

Sharon and I are very tired, we are planning our first vacation in 6 years, later this year….please pray for us.

We love you all more than we love ourselves.

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