Detroit Mourning As Fox News Meteorologist Takes Her Own Life


This news just breaks my heart…..we are in prayer………please pray for Jessica’s family and friends.

Millions of Americans tune in to morning shows around the country to get their news, see their favorite personalities, and of course, check the weather.

That means that we make connections with the people we see on the screens every morning. They are a part of our routine and our lives.

Thousands of people in Detroit were shocked this morning when they woke up and got tragic news. Their long time meteorologist, Jessica Starr, had passed away suddenly.

Story Here

Additional Story on Jessica

From November of 2018:

Pray for America…….

Oh my! Breaks my heart……..We are all responsible for this situation, we all have had a hand in creating this society we live in. America is in the worst shape I have seen it in my 62 years. We have created an America where many have no hope. Nothing will be solved in America with the current division and such hate.

Suicide, at 50-year peak, pushes down US life expectancy

Suicides and drug overdoses pushed up U.S. deaths last year, and drove a continuing decline in how long Americans are expected to live.

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