UPDATE: APS Property Tax Increase Vote


Sharon and I voted NO! We cannot support mismanagement of our tax dollars at APS. It also looks like we are going to have tax increases coming our way from the Roundhouse!

Here is an update From Dear Friend Janice E. Arnold-Jones on the Albuquerque Public Schools mail-in election to increase our property taxes:

Election Integrity is important. In the APS mail-in election over 400,000 ballots have been mailed. 53,000 have been returned as not deliverable. However, I have received hundreds of stories, and in some cases mail, from families who have received ballots for individuals who are deceased or have not lived at their address for many years. It is time to document.

If you received ballots for voters no longer living at your address, please send the following to: APSmailinballot2019@gmail.com.

1) Name and address of voter no longer residing at your address;
2) How many years since voter lived at this address, if known;
3) What happened to the ballot (returned to clerk, threw away, shredded, other).

I am hopeful that documenting what is happening to ballots will help us with Election Integrity overall. Again, the email address is:


Please share with your Albuquerque area friends and family.

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