A Vessel In The Making… Angel’s Prayer Of The Day


A Vessel In The Making…

Good morning beautiful people, good morning. Yesterday a friend came to help me prepare to move. She is very good at assisting me in emptying out a lot of things I don’t need. She tells me if you really want to keep something, you got to fight me for it, otherwise it’s going. Well I managed to keep a lot more than maybe I should have, mostly papers but I wanted to share this with you today. It’s a keeper from the Woman Thou Art Loosed Conference at Megafest in Dallas, Texas from a few years ago.

As we were standing outside the American Airlines Center waiting for our ride. A woman walked up to me and gave me this card in an envelope.

Success Is Yours (Lillian Nzurike)

Well, I know it was not easy, but you were born to succeed. You overcame every obstacle and succeeded. You are a winner, you are a warrior, you are a conqueror, you are an overcomer. The winds of replenishment and abundance are blowing. The doors of opportunity are opening…What else was I going to say? Congratulations! Let’s Pray:

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ozGKlOzEVc&w=560&h=315]

Father, thank you that we were born to succeed. You have a purpose and a destiny for every life. You take our lives and make us vessels for you to flow through. You were never looking for perfection, or you would have never chosen me. You were looking for vessels that would submit to your plan, that would give you all the glory and know that it is not their own efforts that brought the salvation, healing and deliverance.

Father, continue to make us vessels for your use. We came with nothing but the desire for you to use us for your kingdom. To God be all the glory. Amen

Have a blessed day God’s beautiful people. Success Is Yours. Congratulations!

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