Johan, a young man from the Netherlands, became a missionary to the Bedouins and nomads living near Israel’s stark and desolate Sinai Desert—a forgotten people in an overlooked corner of the world. Johan learned many lessons from the people of the desert, but one thing impressed him deeply. The Bedouins consider it worse than murder to know of a source for water in the wilderness and yet neglect to tell fellow travelers. Why? Because anyone going six hours in that harsh environment during the summer would perish.
People in today’s values-vacant, anything-goes culture can’t always hide a deep spiritual thirst. As Christians, we know very well where the water source is. In today’s Scripture, Jesus says, “Whoever drinks the water I give him will never thirst.” And here is the hard truth: If your neighbors, coworkers, and relatives don’t know Christ, they will die of spiritual thirst. Today, then—somehow, some way—lead them to the Living Water.
Jesus, You are the artesian spring in my life, the headwaters of everything pure, fresh, and good. I have found refreshment in Your presence and satisfaction for my deepest thirst. Show me, by Your Holy Spirit, creative ways to shape conversations, write notes, give gifts—whatever it takes—to point people toward You. |