The wings of the ostrich flap joyfully, though they cannot compare with the wings and feathers of the stork.
Job 39:13
In Job 38-41, the great Creator God takes His discouraged servant Job on a tour through the wonders of nature. In today’s Scripture, the Lord points out that “the wings of the ostrich flap joyfully, though they cannot compare with the wings and feathers of the stork.” Whatever else God intended to teach through this observation, one application seems clear: Rejoice in who you are and with what God has given you. The wings of an ostrich really don’t do much of anything. Ostriches can’t fly. But they can run like the wind (Job 39:18)! Even so, it’s the glory of a bird to flap its wings, and the ostrich does so with pride and joy.
We too can rejoice in both our strengths and our weaknesses—in our strengths because they are precious gifts from God, and in our weaknesses because God demonstrates His power and grace through them as we depend on and trust in Him.*
Father, forgive me for comparing my wings and feathers to those of others. I may not be able to do what others are able to do, but I am able to joyously let You shine through my life—and even through my imperfections and disabilities. My body may not work well, but my spirit runs with joyful abandon!
*Thanks to my pastor, Bob Bjerkaas, for prompting this train of thought.