Apostle Barbara Gould: Celebrating 7 years of FGGAM, Love, Faithfulness, Consistency, Integrity and Diligence


When I think of Dewey, certain character traits come to mind – love, faithfulness, consistency, integrity, diligence.

I remember when the LORD called Dewey out from his managerial position at KKIM. With diligence, Dewey sought the LORD and counsel from his Christian peers. In his approach to stepping out in obedience to his Master, I saw a man walking with the spirit of humility and wisdom.

From that leap of faith, I have seen my brother develop into a mighty man of GOD, both in character and in anointing. Pastor Dewey’s personal and ministerial growth in the LORD has been phenomenal and a pleasure to watch as he has answered the call and leading of HOLY SPIRIT. He has pursued his LORD and the ministry with love, faithfulness and diligence as he has traveled the State preaching, teaching, pastoring and, simply, lovingly, blessing others. What a servant!!!

To put his life in perspective, Dewey’s GODLY character has caused him to maintain a steady growth both in his life and ministry.

God Bless, Apostle Barbara Gould of Emmanuel Ministries International in Albuquerque, NM and Board Member of FGGAM

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