Report Says Arizona Forestry Division Should Have Pulled Yarnell Firefighters Out Earlier


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“THE STORM WAS ANTICIPATED, IT WAS FORECAST, EVERYBODY KNEW IT,” Arizona Division of Occupational Safety and Health, (ADOSH), Marshall Krotenberg, the safety agency’s lead investigator said.

The Arizona commission that oversees workplace safety blamed the state’s Forestry Division on Wednesday for the June deaths of 19 firefighters, saying fire officials knowingly put protection of property ahead of the firefighters safety and should have pulled crews out earlier. The ruling by the state Industrial Commission came after its investigative agency released its findings and recommended citations and financial penalties. The commission levied a $559,000 fine. The ADOSH report was a stinging rebuke of a previous investigation commissioned by the Forestry Division which found that state fire officials communicated poorly but followed proper procedures when the 19 Granite Mountain Hotshots were killed near Yarnell, Arizona.

The ADOSH investigation said that state fire officials lacked key personnel to battle the Yarnell Hill Fire at critical times. Krotenberg told the commission there should have been officers to ensure firefighters’ safety, a planning section chief and a division supervisor who was not replaced after he abandoned his post. Krotenberg told commissioners that fire managers should have removed firefighters an hour before the thunderstorm arrived. He also said that senior fire managers had already determined that the town itself was indefensible.

Carrie Dennett, spokeswoman for the Forestry Division, said the agency fully cooperated with the investigation but declined further comment. The Forestry Division has 15 days to appeal. Governor Jan Brewer’s office also declined comment, citing pending litigation.

The bulk of the proposed fine is $475,000 which is $25,000 for each of the 19 deaths. That money will be paid to the firefighters’ families. They were employed by the city of Prescott but working under a standing contract with the state Forestry Division. The ADOSH investigation found that the city of Prescott was in compliance with standards for training and crew rest. The fire destroyed more than 100 homes and burned 13 square miles before it was fully contained on July 10.

Dan Parker, whose son Wade Parker was killed, is a firefighter himself in northern Arizona. He said it’s time for the state “to change the coach. As far as blaming somebody at this point, right now, on a personal level, I think it’s futile. But having been a captain on a fire engine, and worked in the fire service as long as I have, I know that if I was involved in an incident where somebody was injured or killed, then my butt would have been on the hot seat and I would have been held accountable.”

We ask for your prayers for these fallen heroes and for their families who have been devastated by the loss of their loved ones.

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Rick Stambaugh
After serving in the United States Navy for 22 years I retired from the service late in 1991. Having always loved the southwest, shortly after retiring, I moved to the Albuquerque area where I have resided since. Initially I worked as a contractor for approximately 6 years doing cable construction work. That becoming a little dangerous, at an elevated age, I moved into the retail store management environment managing convenience stores for roughly 16 years. With several disabilities, I am now fully retired and am getting more involved with helping Pastor Dewey & Pastor Paul with their operations at FGGAM which pleases my heart greatly as it truly is - "For God's Glory Alone". I met my precious wife Sandy here in Albuquerque and we have been extremely happily married for 18 years and I am the very proud father to Sandy's wonderful children, Tiana, our daughter, Ryan & Ross, our two sons, and proud grandparents to 5 wonderful grandchildren. We attend Christ Full Deliverance Ministries in Rio Rancho which is lead by Pastor's Marty & Paulette Cooper along with Elder Mable Lopez as regular members. Most of my time is now spent split between my family, my church & helping the Pastors by writing here on the FGGAM website and doing everything I can to support this fantastic ministry in the service of our Lord. Praise to GOD & GOD Bless to ALL! UPDATED 2021: Rick and Sandy moved to Florida a few years ago. We adore them and we pray for Rick as he misses Sandy so very, very much!

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