Stepping Out in Faith and Offering all We Have


Jane Douglas White

Too often we say, “I have no talent to teach a Sunday school class.” “My home is not nice enough to have a Bible study here.” “I don’t cook well enough to help with Meals on Wheels.” “I’m a businessman, not a carpenter. I wouldn’t know the first thing about building a house for Habitat for Humanity.” When we step out in faith and offer all we have, God will use it in powerful ways. How much is enough? Just what we have when God is with us!

Such an awesome quote by Jane Douglas White! Sharon and I surely know what this is like, we are living it!!! Hearing the call of God is so very awesome! Having God with you all the time and feeling His presence with you is such a awesome blessing. When I left my radio job at KKIM Radio to enter FGGAM, We had no idea how all this would work, BUT GOD has covered us in His MIGHTY and LOVING WAYS, surrounding us with so many GODLY PEOPLE! Stepping out in Faith! We walked away from 85,000 dollars a year to nothing in mans money, but God has it all planned out, all paid for. When we first started our friend Terry said, “Gid never orders anything that He has not already paid for.” I will always remember Pastor Bill Ruhl (Vice Chair of FGGAM) helping me move out all my stuff from my office at KKIM and hauling it in his truck to our house. When we were done unloading I asked Pastor Bill, “Now what Bill?” Bill said, “God will provide, God will lead you.”

That was over 7 years and Sharon and I have learned so much about our GOD! Leaning into Him more than we have ever have. Without my Sharon all this would not be possible. God put us together for such a time as this, to shine His light and show His love as best as we can in these days.

Having watched Bill Ruhl, Barbara Gould, Sonia Haylett and Wanell Pate FGGAM Board members for several years, I met them when I was Manager of KKIM, I witnessed how they would pour out all they had for JESUS, they still do. I remember at Barbara’s birthday celebration years ago at her Church as people expressed their love for her and would share testimonies how Barbara had touched their life, how Sharon was crying because she was touched very touched by Barbara’s testimony and the love people were showing her…..Sharon could relate as we were and are walking that same road.

Once again I say, we are surrounded by the most tremendous friends from all over America. We know God has sent all these folks into our lives to help us learn how to go about life.

I watched and learned from Wanell Pate as she taught Sunday School at the Church of God in Los Lunas, I would take notes as Wanell spoke, and I have watched Sonia Haylett minister at Emmanuel Ministries for several years now and how she pours out all she has for God.

This is why we all need to surround ourselves with mature Christians, and be like a sponge, adsorb Godly knowledge.

My life verse, that God gave me as He was establishing us in FGGAM:

“But my life is worth nothing to me unless I use it for finishing the work assigned me by the Lord Jesus—the work of telling others the Good News about the wonderful grace of God.” -Acts 20:24

By the way, that picture is one I took from our balcony looking into the Sandias after a day of rain this past week. AWE of GOD, it looks like a painting! I call that picture I took, “A Faith Increaser” When you look at that, when you absorb its wonder, it should increase your faith in Almighty, Loving God!

We thank all of our Dear Brothers and Sisters for all the love and support you have given us all these years! Without you all, we would not be able to do what we do. Such love you have shown us, the love of JESUS!

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