Prayer is an Audience With God Who Can Fix Anything

This thought on prayer is from our Dear, Dear Sister in Christ Mercy Alarid, such a heart for God and people, a tender heart,  very strong in the love of Jesus.

I was thinking to myself about something that’s really concerning me and God budged into my thoughts and said, ‘It’s going to be fine. Just pray.’ Puzzled, I said, ‘So does that depend on me praying or on you acting?’ He said, ‘it depends on me acting, so pray.’

Prayer is an audience with the God who can fix anything. So I pray.

I love that! It preaches!

I also love this from Joni!

Joni and Friends
See Through God’s Eyesby Joni Eareckson Tada
She gave this name to the Lord who spoke to her: “You are the God who sees me,” for she said, “I have now seen the One who sees me.”Genesis 16:13
When Chandler was nine years old, he lost his right eye in an accident. That was four years ago, and now thirteen-year-old Chandler is the starting quarterback for his middle school’s football team. When people ask him why his eyesight hasn’t hindered him, Chandler replies with a smile, “God is my other eye.” What a perspective for such a young believer! It’s a strong reminder not to allow our troubles to blind us to God’s purposes.In today’s Scripture, we read about Hagar. After being mistreated by her mistress, Sarai, Hagar gave up hope and ran away into the desert. Out there in that harsh desert, however, God Himself reassured Hagar, giving her hope for the future. She replied to Him, “You are the God who sees me… I have now seen the One who sees me.” Both Hagar and Chandler came to see themselves and their difficulties through God’s eyes. And that made all the difference for both of them.

Lord, I’m thinking about how the apostle Paul prayed for the eyes of the heart (Ephesians 1:18). I know I need that. Sometimes my situation looks bleak to my physical eyes. I need Your perspective, Your viewpoint, and Your vision for my life today. The old hymn reminds me to ask of You, “Be Thou my vision, O Lord of my heart” (Unknown; trans. Eleanor Hull, “Be Thou My Vision” [1912]).

Taken from A Spectacle of GloryBy Joni Eareckson Tada

Copyright © 2016
Published in Print by Zondervan, Grand Rapids

All Scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are taken from the Holy Bible: New International Version.

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