God loves us and wants us to be free of our chains


We are very thankful to our Lord for the testimony of Jennifer Anderson! We are so blessed by her sharing her journey with us!!! We love your lovely boldness Jennifer! You inspire so many! Merry Christmas to you and Loren and the kids!

Jennifer Anderson


Suddenly there was such a violent earthquake that the foundations of the prison were shaken. At once all the prison doors flew open, and everyone’s chains came loose.   Acts 16:26

This morning I woke up early with this verse on my heart.  I have been speaking a lot about my time in prison, and remembering how I prayed to be found innocent and be let out.  Bargaining with God, making promises if He would just answer my prayer.  I didn’t really believe that He would, but sure hoped so.  Every morning that I woke up with the prison walls still standing around me, the more I believed that God wouldn’t answer my prayer.  I was incarcerated 18 months, there was no earthquake, the foundation didn’t shake, no doors flew open….

Or did they….

In the midst of my “half-hearted” prayers, unknowingly something miraculous was happening.  I was developing a relationship with God.  I was talking with him and He was listening!  I didn’t see it at the time, but walls were crumbling around me.  My walls.  The walls I had built myself in my belief that I was a “bad person”.  The walls I had put up to keep me safe and to keep everyone else out.  My walls of protection.  My foundation was shaking, I was becoming a different person.  I found myself less angry, and more accepting.  I was beginning to forgive myself and most importantly I began to understand the enormity of God’s gift to us.  His Son.

His Only Son Jesus.  Born to give us hope and crucified to give us life.  You see, it took my being in prison to truly understand how much I was loved.  Loved so much that Jesus died for me.  Let me say that again, Jesus loves Me so much that HE DIED for ME!!

He died for you too.

God loves us and wants us to be free of our chains.  Free of the shame, guilt and self-loathing that these chains bind us with.  We are all created in in the image of Christ.  We are all children of the King!  A King that Loves us.  A Shepard that will search for us.  A Savior that Died for us.

During this Christmas season, I pray that you will have a personal relationship with Jesus.  That whatever chains are holding you will come loose.  That there will be an earthquake that shakes your foundation and you feel the Hope, Love and Freedom that only Jesus can bring.  You friends, are worth it!!

Angel Murchison’s Interview on Destiny Moments with Jennifer

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