Team Jesus, Please Pray for Avis Fett, Dean Maharg and Pastor Glen Strock, More Prayer Notes

Good Morning all!! We have a number of prayer needs this morning. We love to pray. Our Ministry was started in 1997, ‘Dewey’s Daily Cup’ we started as a prayer ministry we took that to KKIM Radio and KAZQ TV and then FGGAM! I pray constantly…..I pray over our website readers/listeners, our email list, all of our Facebook friends, and the list of hundreds here at the office which include my friends in Reserve, NM and Windom, Minn.

“I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people—for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness.  This is good, and pleases God our Savior…” I Timothy 2: 1-3 NIV

I got a note from my Dear Sister in Christ Laurie Cardinal that her Mother, Avis Fett, from Windom, Minnesota has suffered a stroke! Mrs. Fett was my 1st grade teacher at Winfair school! What a super teacher! When I was in 5th grade, Mrs. Fett was the reading teacher, and I was having a bit of a struggle and she helped me so very much and I became an avid reader! I talked to her about a year ago by phone! I love her so very much! Pictured above is Mrs. Fett and Laurie. By the way, Laurie and I were classmates in Windom! Mrs. Fett was one of the best teachers ever! Mrs. Fett is 89 years young!!!!! What a smile!!!!

Please Keep Mrs. Fett in your prayers!

Laurie Cardinal

Just got told my mother has had a stroke and is in hospital in Sioux falls SD .

I also got a message from Ethel Maharg that her hubby is not feeling good! Ethel is the Director of NM Right to Life, she has become such a good friend! Been a tough week for her and Dean as their truck was stolen earlier this week. Please pray for good health for Dean and recovery of the truck.

Ethel Maharg
Many have asked how Pastor Glen Strock is doing with his cancer, here is what my buddy texted me last night:
Alive and well!
Life is rodeo! Holding on to Him, to love to live, to live to love, His hand in our glove to love to live!
Thanks for loving me brother, it means the world to me.
Love Pastor Glen more than ever!
An update date on Pastor Skip Heitzig is that the brain surgery went very well! PTL! No complications!!! PTL!! Please keep praying for Ildefonso Antillon, please pray for healing, he is suffering from internal bleeding.

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