OUCH! NM House Panel Passes $7.6B Budget Bill, From Bad to Worse


With the states huge budget surplus, New Mexico tax payers deserved a rebate check this year! Shame! For many of us a hundred bucks is gold!

What do I mean from bad to worse? I am trying to stress that God and His ways continue to be minimized at the Capital in many ways. It does not get easier for many families in this state, it gets tougher, travel the state like me and you will see, they feel forgotten. Here in New Mexico we abort God’s babies, over 5,000 last year! the blood of those babies are on our hands. We are last in America in Child Well Being, we are one of the poorest states and the Governor and many want to raise our taxes? Our education system needs a lot of work, many of our children are hungry, over 3,000 APS children are homeless. Murder is out of control, drugs, booze, suicides, child abuse are so horrible in New Mexico. New Mexico is starved spiritually. New Mexico needs missionaries to come and travel our state for Jesus! You cannot put a “chamber of commerce” or “pep rally”  take on this very sad situation.

Jesus wept. John 11:35

NM Budget Proceeds Through The House

I so much appreciate NM Watchman Jose Vasquez because he tells it the way it is………

I have known NM Watchman Jose Vasquez and his lovely wife Miki for many years. I first met them when I was manager of the new KKIM FM, Christian radio for New Mexico! It was an exciting time to put the FM on and reach much of Northern NM and southern Colorado for Jesus! Jose and Miki became Board members of FGGAM for a few years, but more importantly, such Dear, Godly friends forever and ever! This report by Jose should disturb all of us greatly! It is alarming how God and His people are being pushed aside at the Capital. Families will be hurt by the proposed increases in taxes! We have a huge budget surplus…why the tax increases??? We should have gotten a tax rebate! I know families that have a hard time filling up the gas tank and buying groceries now!!! So many at the Capital are forgetting us, but worse, are leaving God out. I was blessed a few years ago to lead prayer at the House of Representatives.

                                                                                              February 3, 2020
(NM Watchman Jose Vasquez pictured)
Christian Leadership Irrelevant
Dear Believers,
Our churches have not suffered the persecution Christians in other parts of the world have suffered. But the church today has suffered from irrelevance.
The latest onslaught was dealt by a high-ranking New Mexico official, a leader in the New Mexico State Legislature.
The Speaker of the House, Mr. Brian Egolf (D-Santa Fe) has ended the practice of having clergy begin each floor session with a prayer, an invocation of God’s presence in the proceedings.
The New Mexico Constitution itself requires a prayer, so Mr. Egolf, having dismissed clergy, has called for prayers from the House members themselves.
If Christianity is to remain relevant, our clergy must step forward.
Please have your Pastor, Priest or Rabbi call Mr. Egolf and volunteer.
Mr. Egolf’s Roundhouse number is (505) 986-4782. His email is brian.egolf@nmlegis.gov.
New Mexico Watchman
Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous.
Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged,
for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.”
Joshua 1:9
New Mexico Watchman, 3600 Cerrillos 714C-908, Santa Fe, NM 87507

America is not better than Hitler’s Germany…Here in New Mexico we killed over 5,000 babies through abortion in 2019!

Jesus wept. John 11:35

Abortion Statistics

Current United States Data*

  • Total number of abortions in the U.S. 1973-2013: 56.5 million+
  • 219 abortions per 1,000 live births (according to the Centers for Disease Control)
  • Abortions per year: 1.058 million
  • Abortions per day: 2,899
  • Abortions per hour: 120
  • 1 abortion every 30 seconds Source Here with more in-depth info

National Day of Prayer 2020 Theme:

God made a promise to the prophet Habakkuk during some very deep and troubling times in Israel’s history. It was a time marked by darkness and disobedience from the culture and God’s people. The prophet cries out to God for hope and help and God answers in a most unexpected way; to use a wicked, idol-worshipping nation’s army to come and execute His judgement on His people. Habakkuk could not believe what he was hearing as God began to detail the “woes” that would come to pass, but in the middle of the pronouncement of woes God pauses to make a profound promise that would eventually be seen in the face of Jesus Christ and spread by Christ-followers until Christ returns.

God’s promise, “For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the LORD as the waters cover the sea” echoes into the New Testament as the apostle Paul writes in 2Corinthians 4:6, “For God, who said, “Light shall shine out of darkness,” is the One who has shone in our hearts to give the Light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ.” It is this knowledge, the knowledge of Jesus, the knowledge of the gospel, that we pray will spread across the earth. It is through every follower of Jesus living a prayer-care-share lifestyle that His glory will cover the earth as the waters cover the sea.

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