New Mexico Has The 7th Biggest Increase in Unemployment Due to Coronavirus – WalletHub Study


With the coronavirus pandemic costing roughly 33.5 million Americans their jobs so far and a growing number of states beginning to reopen some businesses in an attempt to help, WalletHub today released updated rankings for the States with the Biggest Increases in Unemployment Due to the Coronavirus, along with accompanying videos, as a follow-up to our report on the Cities with the Biggest Growth in Unemployment Due to COVID-19.

To identify which states’ workforces have been hurt most by COVID-19, WalletHub compared the 50 states and the District of Columbia based on increases in unemployment claims. We used this data to rank the most impacted states in both the latest week for which we have data (April 27) and overall since the beginning of the coronavirus crisis (March 16). Below, you can see highlights from the report, along with a WalletHub Q&A. To see the states most impacted since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, click here.

Increase in New Mexico Unemployment Due to Coronavirus (1=Worst, 25=Avg.):

  • 2,324.39% Increase in Unemployment Claims (April 2020 vs April 2019)
    • 16,801 the week of April 27, 2020 vs 693 the week of April 29, 2019
    • 12th highest increase in the U.S.
  • 2,002.75% Increase in the Number of Unemployment Claims (April 2020 vs January 2020)
    • 16,801 the week of April 27, 2020 vs 799 the week of January 1, 2020
    • 6th highest increase in the U.S.
  • 2,450.39% Increase in Unemployment Claims Since Pandemic Started
    • 133,644 between the week of March 16, 2020 and the week of April 27, 2020 vs 5,454 between the week of March 18, 2019 and the week of April 29, 2019
    • 26th highest increase in the U.S.

To view the full report and your state’s rank, please visit:

WalletHub Q&A

Is it a good idea to reopen states in an effort to reduce the unemployment rate?

“It is only a good idea to reopen a state in an effort to reduce the unemployment rate if the state is clearly well past the peak in new coronavirus cases and has a detailed plan for reopening safely,” said Jill Gonzalez, WalletHub analyst. “States should reopen gradually, as recommended by the White House, and they should keep in place guidelines about maintaining distance from other people and wearing masks in public until the crisis has fully abated. While jobs suffer when states remain closed, it’s better to provide additional financial support to unemployed people than to open and then have to close again.”

What can states do in order to minimize the rise in their unemployment rates?

“States should aggressively focus on keeping residents safe from coronavirus while enabling economic activity, which requires moving out of the phase of simply issuing guidelines on people’s behavior and instead passing laws,” said Jill Gonzalez, WalletHub analyst. “When states reopen businesses, they should simultaneously issue strict rules such as mandatory mask wearing in public and limits on the number of people in a store. If COVID-19 restrictions are recommendations rather than laws, that allows people to disregard the safety of others for their own comfort and risk spreading the disease.”

How do red states and blue states compare when it comes to increases in unemployment?

“With an average rank of 25 among the most affected states, blue states suffered a higher increase in unemployment during the coronavirus outbreak than red states, which rank 26 on average,” said Jill Gonzalez, WalletHub analyst. “The lower the number, the higher the increase in initial unemployment claims that state received during the coronavirus pandemic.”

How has the unemployment rate in New York – the state with the most COVID-19 cases – been affected?

“New York has seen a 335% increase in initial unemployment claims from the beginning of 2020 to the week of April 27,” said Jill Gonzalez, WalletHub analyst. “This is better than the average increase of 962%.”



Oh! LORD if only people would soak your Word into their hearts, minds and souls…..From Joni Eareckson Tada: Believers in whom God is moving desire to make others successful. Then there are those who do things to be a success, who are wounded when others are promoted instead of them. Revival comes to people who know they have nothing to offer God, to those who are humbled by how much they have to learn. Revival is slow to come to those who try to think of what they can do for God, to those who feel confident in how much they know.

God looks for people who are not concerned with themselves, who risk getting close to others, who receive criticism with a humble heart. God is not quick to use people who are self-centered, who keep others at arm’s length, who are defensive when criticized.

I will add that this is a huge problem in America! People go forth in politics and not with God and His ways!!! EGO! Self-interest! Treasure the politicians that go with God! Vet all Politicians with the Bible, ask them who their Pastor is.

Come visit us at FGGAM Biblical Worldview not a Political View! Politics is ruining America!
We are here 245/7 to serve pour Lord.

I am going to do my best to preach some ‘tough love’ here…..

I have had enough of politicians behaving badly. Do you notice that most all these folks running for office offer no solutions???!! They just put forth the bashing of their opponents or do fancy dancy TV ads, with all sorts of high cost graphics and production, no meat and potatoes. We are in trouble here in America because politics is ruining us.

And the Lord’s servant must not be quarrelsome but must be kind to everyone, able to teach, not resentful. 2 Timothy 2:24

Work with enthusiasm, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people. Ephesians 6:7

“You are a king, then!” said Pilate. Jesus answered, “You say that I am a king. In fact, the reason I was born and came into the world is to testify to the truth. Everyone on the side of truth listens to me.” John 18:37


Oil executive Claire Chase demanded Monday that former state lawmaker Yvette Herrell exit the race over accusations Herrell was pushing false rumors around Chase’s first marriage – charges Herrell vigorously denies.

I have been following this story for months. Talk about showing bad behavior! There is so much mudslinging going on in this race its just down right horrible! I would think the head of the New Mexico Republican Party Steve Pearce would get this dispute settled down, be the referee in this fight, before it does more damage to his party. It is not the example all of us need, especially at this time. We need solutions to our problems not all this garbage! How do these folks think this affects people? Not a good example for our children on how to properly act. This is why I say politics is ruining America.

As a little kid Mom and Dad used to say, “Behave yourselves.” These two candidates need to be put in time out for now. Horrible behavior.

It is time to call out Republicans and Democrats for their bad behavior! Way to much nasty words, to many nasty texts, too much junk on Facebook… this what we, the American people have to look forward to in the coming months? When will the name calling end?  Where is the substance? I HEAR NO PLANS FROM ANY POLITICIAN TO SOLVE OUR PROBLEMS WHICH ARE TOO MANY TO NUMBER! Most all these folks just babble away with “nothing noise.”

So many people I have talked are fed up with politics. Nothing gets done in America, its all political fighting. The people are last. The Republicans and Democrats are both at fault here! Both parties need to be taken to the wood shed.

Treasure the ones that stand in the gap for God, standing strong for Biblical principles!

Check out the Federal Deficit link below and the New Mexico budget disaster also has a link to it.

Vet your candidates with God’s Word. Ask them who there Pastor is.

How does this type of behavior honor God?

Politics Gone Bad in New Mexico

From Yesterday:

I’m frustrated…..How about the state and federal deficit??? We are drowning in red ink here………I pray that the Governor will do a zoom conference with Democrats and Republicans, Business people and citizens! The Governor needs to hear from us. I had a friend ask me today, “Who is watching the state and federal deficits?” How about all those that are unemployed? How about those business people that will never open up again. Many operate on a very thin margin anyhow! The way we are going we are headed toward a depression, if we are not there already! Everyday now the American economy is being destroyed with we the people suffering. I guess the government will be printing more monopoly money in the basement in D,C. and Santa Fe, well, they are praying monopoly with our future.

NM Governor Lujan Grisham to require masks for some workers

New Mexico Budget Disaster

Federal Budget Deficits: To $30 Trillion And Beyond

FGGAM MEDIA CENTER JUST RECEIVED THIS STATEMENT: House Republican Leader Jim Townsend (R-Artesia, pictured) response to Governor Lujan Grisham’s press conference on May 5, 2020: “In her press conference the governor threatened to extend the business closures that are destroying our state’s economy, and expressed her desire to steal from New Mexico’s children instead of cutting back the out of control spending from the last two years”, said House GOP Leader Jim Townsend (R-Artesia),  ” People across the state are having to tighten their belts. The Governor’s answer to this problem is to spend more. Her refusal to accept the magnitude of the state’s fiscal and economic crisis is disturbing.”


House GOP Leader Jim Townsend sends letter to US Attorney General

Artesia, NM– House Republican Leader Jim Townsend recently sent a letter to Attorney General Bill Barr highlighting potential civil rights violations in New Mexico. The letter was sent just days after the 24 House Republican members delivered a letter addressing similar concerns to Governor Lujan Grisham.

The letter raises concerns over the Governor’s mandated closure of small businesses, prohibition of government-determined “non-essential” medical care, and threats of civil fines of which the executive has no discernible authority to impose. Leader Townsend asks the US Attorney General to include New Mexico in any civil rights violation inquiries that his office may be investigating. The House Republican Leader additionally offers to provide support and documentation should any civil rights violations be found in their investigation of the currently in place executive orders.

“The Governor’s actions have made it clear that she will push in any way possible to test the limits of every New Mexican’s constitutional rights,” said House Republican Leader Jim Townsend (R-Artesia), “If civil rights violations have occurred across our country as a result of these mandated closures, I have little doubt that New Mexico will unfortunately be in that mix. I am confident AG Barr will be objective in his examinations of this sensitive issue.”

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