Tough Times in The News Department


I would be so very grateful for your prayers I’m wore down from being attacked. I pray that if people have a bone to pick with me they would message me or send me an email from our website instead of making rude remarks or challenging me to a debate. We all should respect each other’s Facebook page. I am a Pastor and news reporter I take a Biblical Worldview, God has made me a watchman on the wall for Him. I work long hours working to fulfill the mission God has given us! I pray people will pray before they comment. I pray that people will read the entire story! Many have become just headline readers. That is not good. I do research and I pray to God to show me what to post. It concerns me that many make comments without doing research and praying, doing it on emotions. Many post fake or outdated news from years past. Thank you for you prayers, love and support. My favorite hymn is Onward Christian Soldiers! I continue on until the Lord calls me home. I treasure what the Lord has me doing for Him and the Kingdom. Best job ever! All glory to God! Love in Jesus to you all! I will never compromise the Word of God!

I challenge myself everyday to do my very best for God and His Kingdom, I challenge myself, Pastors, the entire Body of Christ to carry out The Great Commission.

Debbie Bogosian of Edgewood, NM writes: I rely on the news you share more than others because you do more to be sure what is being reported is true.

FGGAM will be 8 years young come this August in this time we have reached over 4 million people. God is with us.

My life verse:

“But my life is worth nothing to me unless I use it for finishing the work assigned me by the Lord Jesus—the work of telling others the Good News about the wonderful grace of God.” -Acts 20:24

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