Far to many Americans have made politics a God…..look where it has gotten us!!!! The Church must be missionaries in America at this time fulfilling the Great Commission! Leave your buildings Church!
American Family Association: Gospel the Only Hope for Increasingly Unhappy Americans
AFA Leader: ‘This is a time for the church to do more than mouth platitudes or engage in mere virtue-signaling’
TUPELO, Miss.—Americans haven’t been this unhappy since the 1970s, and half of Americans report feeling isolated in recent weeks—a sharp increase from the 23% who felt isolated in 2018, a University of Chicago survey has found.
The survey was launched before the killing of George Floyd and subsequent riots in May, apparently confirming quarantine-like restrictions are a kill-joy.
Ed Vitagliano, executive vice president of American Family Association (AFA, www.afa.net), says America’s struggle for happiness is a spiritual battle that only the power of the Gospel can win.
“These poll results are not surprising,” Vitagliano said. “We are in a time of brutal spiritual warfare, and there is clearly much hurt and pain in our nation.
“This is a time for the church to do more than mouth platitudes or engage in mere virtue-signaling,” he continued. “It is a time for the bold proclamation of the gospel to a wounded and suffering people. Our Savior is calling to the lost sheep of America to return to their God and Creator. Jesus Christ is the message that needs to be heard in this dark hour.”
View the media page for AFA here. For more information on American Family Association, visit www.afa.net or follow AFA on Facebook or Twitter @AmericanFamAssc.
From Pastor Dewey: I see it, it feel it…..my country is drowning… killing each other, burning down buildings, attacking police….making police feel they are no good…tearing down public property….tearing down statues….destroying America history..hating each other…not respecting each other…many ‘so called’ leaders speak hate…..many folks are withdrawing from society….these are serious times folks, we must share Jesus, the love of Jesus with all, we must get to work and carry out The Great Commission, we are not reaching the world for Jesus within our walls. I got verbally attacked by a man who got in my face about taking his parking spot at Smiths supermarket. WOW! I did not know that we had our own parking spaces at Smiths! LOL! I told him I am sorry sir, I will move my car now….but he continued to yell then finally walked away….many have short fuses these days…JESUS is needed by many. We must get out from our walls and carry out The Great Commission. Satan is having is way with many. Sadly, I do not think The Great Commission is preached and carried out by many.
I am so very thankful that I have my Sharon and the kids and Daisy and my Church family and the many friends we have through FGGAM……many Americans do not have a Church family for one reason or another.
One more thought…we were talking at Church yesterday about social media…… we all agreed that social media is 50% bad….or more? It sure can spread hate and fake news…..here at FGGAM we stay on social media because God says to shine his light, to bring the truth!
Watch Joni’s Latest Video!As our nation confronts injustice and brokenness, God sees our pain, and he is touched by our tears. The Lord longs to give healing and hope. Watch Joni’s Latest Video! |