CNN Ignores Don Lemon’s Offensive and False Narrative on Jesus


American Family Association: CNN Ignores Don Lemon’s Offensive and False Narrative on Jesus

Petition Drive Calls for ‘CNN Tonight’ Anchor’s Apology


TUPELO, Miss.—During one of last week’s episodes of “CNN Tonight,” CNN anchor Don Lemon recklessly insulted Christians everywhere by claiming Jesus “admittedly was not perfect,” drawing a rebuke from American Family Association (AFA,—and sparking an AFA petition drive.


While discussing the issue of statues and monuments of historical Confederate figures, Lemon said, “Jesus Christ—if you believe in, if that’s who you believe in, Jesus Christ—admittedly was not perfect when he was here on this earth. So why are we deifying the founders of this country, many of whom owned slaves?”


American Family Association President Tim Wildmon responded by writing a letter to the AFA network, stating, “Sign our petition to CNN, insisting it require Don Lemon to issue an apology for the false and insensitive claim that the Son of God was not perfect during His walk on earth.”


“Lemon’s anti-Christian rhetoric was quickly denounced by many well-known Christian leaders,” Wildmon goes on to write, giving examples:


“Mike Huckabee tweeted, ‘Just when I didn’t think Don Lemon could say something any dumber than stuff he’s already said, he ‘dons’ his ecclesiastical hat and declares ‘Jesus wasn’t perfect.’ In the faith world, we call that kind of arrogant comment ‘blasphemy,’” Wildmon writes.


“Pastor Robert Jeffress told Fox News, ‘Don Lemon’s comments are, first of all, heretical and it contradicts the most basic tenet of the Christian faith and demonstrates how tone-deaf the left is to faith issues.’”


Wildmon continued, “Legendary NFL coach Tony Dungy called Lemon to task, tweeting, ‘I’m sorry, Mr. Lemon, but just who ‘admitted’ that Jesus Christ was not perfect here on earth? Not anyone who believes the Bible. Not anyone who trusts in Jesus as their savior. I’m not sure the point you’re making but your premise is dead wrong. That was the point in Jesus coming!’”


At the time of AFA’s petition launch, Lemon had not responded to the criticism and CNN had been silent, signaling its intention to let Lemon’s offensive and false narrative go without reprimand.


For more than 40 years, AFA has operated within the mission to inform, equip, and activate individuals to strengthen the moral foundations of American culture and give aid to the church here and abroad in its task of fulfilling the Great Commission. Visit AFA Action Alerts here.


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