Do You Have Endurance?

Love Worth Finding

July 23, 2020
Today’s Daily Devotional


“…and let us run with patience the race that is set before us”


The word “patience” here doesn’t mean the ability to thread a needle, it but literally means “endurance.” It means bearing up under some load, some challenge.

Are you looking for an easy way, a cheap way, a lazy way to serve God? All honey and no bees? A life of ease? You just want to say, “O, I’m so happy in Jesus.” Listen, this business of running this race means that you’re going to go at it with all your heart.

You may be on a sick bed or in a wheelchair, but no one is excluded. We are to run with endurance. When you watch someone running, do you notice how intense he is?

If you’re in this race, you need to pray over it, you need to weep over it, you need to study over it, you need to work over it.


I’ve learned that God does business with those who mean business. Being saved and running your race is a full-time occupation. Don’t settle any longer for being a part-time Christian. Commit fully to following Jesus.

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Men and Women in the Bible suffered with all kinds of emotions – healthy & unhealthy. Adrian Rogers uses these Biblical examples to explain how we can master our emotions & turn them around for our benefit. Order a copy of Mastering Your Emotions today.

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